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The Sentence Is a group of words expressing a complete thought.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sentence Is a group of words expressing a complete thought."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sentence Is a group of words expressing a complete thought

2 A sentence is a group of words that express a complete thought. Sentences provide us with the framework for the clear written expression of our ideas. The aim in writing is to always to write in complete sentences which are correctly punctuated. Sentences always begin with a capital letter and end in either a full stop, exclamation or question mark. A complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses a complete idea and makes sense standing alone.

3 In order to express a complete thought, every sentence must have two parts: 1.SUBJECT (someone or something) 2.PREDICATE (what the someone or something is being or doing) That’s it! A sentence is just someone or something being or doing something. Simple!

4 When we diagram sentences, you can always see those two basic parts. On the left side of the vertical line is the subject and on the left is the predicate.

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