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Mr. Millhouse AP World History Hebron High School.

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1 Mr. Millhouse AP World History Hebron High School

2  15 th century minimal – to Atlantic island plantations  16 th century – small  17 th c. increase to 16,000 per year  18 th c. most of trade, 7 million slaves, 80% of all trade over all years  19 th c. slows down, under attack, still exports to Cuba & Brazil (1.7 million)





7  Slavery was common in African society  Where? ▪ The Kongo, Ghana, Benin, etc.  All land was owned by the state ▪ Owning slaves was a way to gain wealth  Slaves were used for servants, concubines, and field workers  Arrival of Europeans provided new opportunities for expansion of slavery

8  Competition between rival kingdoms led to endless wars  Kingdoms trade slaves for guns  Wars led to political centralization  Slave trade shifts balance of power  From Sudanic Africa to the Gold Coast, the Kongo, and Angola

9  Asante is on the Gold Coast  Modern day Ghana  Asante were members of the Akan people  Began as twenty small states ▪ Matrilineal clan lineage  Most prominent clan was the Okoyo  Access to firearms allowed the Okoyo to centralize their authority after 1650 CE  Under the leadership of Osei Tutu (d. 1717)

10  Other Akan clans forced to pay tribute  Clans maintain some autonomy  A council advised the ruler on important issues  Used an ideology of unity to overcome clan divisions  Dealt directly with the Dutch at El Mina  Slave made up 2/3 of trade by 1700

11  Centralized kingdom  Converted to Christianity  Maintained diplomatic ties with Portugal  Attempted to abolish the slave trade  Portugal monopolized trade with the Kongo  Cowries, slaves, Asian luxuries Loango, capital city of the Kongo

12  Dutch East India Co. establish a colony at the Cape of Good Hope in 1652  Provision ships headed to Asia  Large fertile lands were great for farming  Used slave labor ▪ Slaves brought from Indonesia and other parts of Asia ▪ Eventually enslave the natives  Dutch settlers, called Boers, move to Cape Colony in search of land ▪ 17, 000 settlers, 26,ooo slaves, and 14,ooo natives by 1800

13  Swahili city-states continued traditional commerce in the Indian Ocean  Portuguese settlers on the coast used slave soldiers to expand their territories  Established plantations growing Asian spices using African slaves  Some African states copied European plantation system  Zanzibar had 100,000 slaves by 1860

14  Fall of Songhai brought period of violent Islamization  Islamic elites vs. animistic natives  Violence helped supply slaves to coastal regions  In the 1770s Muslim reform movements began to spread a “purified” Sufi Islam  Movement had a major impact on Fulani tribe of the Western Sudan

15  Founded by Usman Dan Fodio  Believed he was an instrument of Allah  Preached jihad against Hausa kingdoms  Usman’s son founded the Sokoto Caliphate in northern Nigeria  Attacked neighboring Muslim kingdoms  Effects of reformist Islam  Spread literacy, new centers of trade emerged, attempts to eliminate pagan practices

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