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Mouse ECG (Tech) NCRR Overview Technology for the “Mouse ECG” project CardioWave BioPSE project background Tools developed to date Tools for the next phase.

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1 Mouse ECG (Tech) NCRR Overview Technology for the “Mouse ECG” project CardioWave BioPSE project background Tools developed to date Tools for the next phase

2 Mouse ECG (Tech) NCRR CardioWave BioPSE Original Project Specification CardioWave software provides cardiac activation modeling: runs in parallel on a distributed memory machine. Interface with SCIRun, for SCIRun's modeling and visualization capabilities. Application steps: ­build a model based on DTI heart data ­visualize the fibers ­modify the model (e.g. ischemia) ­simulate activation [CardioWave] ­visualize the results (Vi, Ve, activation time) ­embed heart in an FEM torso model ­simulate volume conduction over time steps ­visualize torso surface potential maps and ECGs

3 Mouse ECG (Tech) NCRR CardioWave BioPSE (2)

4 Mouse ECG (Tech) NCRR CardioWave BioPSE (3) Required Technologies Modeling tools: ­region selection ­Morphological operators (flood fill, erosion/dilation) ­Teem's tensor utilities (eigen-decomposition) Simulation tools ­integrate Duke's "Vulcan" FVM code Visualization / Analysis tools ­spinning fibers ­time-dependent visualization ­synchronized viewers Infrastructure tools ­data import / export ­direct matlab file i/o ­sockets (control, data passing) ­annotations ­subnets ­data bundles

5 Mouse ECG (Tech) NCRR CardioWave BioPSE (4) Demonstration of the Latest Technical Developments and Direction…

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