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Warm-up: Thursday What do you know about the history of Russia? 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up: Thursday What do you know about the history of Russia? 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up: Thursday What do you know about the history of Russia? 1

2 History of Russia From Czars to Commissars

3 czar (sometimes seen as ‘tsar’) title of the emperor of Russia before the Russian Revolution

4 4 Ivan the Terrible Crowned himself “Czar” in 1547 –unified and expanded Russia

5 Russian Expansion from Moscow

6 Saint Basil’s Cathedral The Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Basil is a well-known landmark in Moscow. The richly ornamented building was commissioned by Russian tsar Ivan IV, also known as Ivan the Terrible, to commemorate victories in battle and built between 1555 and 1679. The chapels of Saint Basil’s are topped by colorful onion-shaped domes. Each dome is different in size and decoration.

7 7 Ivan the Terrible Why so terrible? –would kill, torture, or exile anyone he believed was plotting against him –“accidentally” killed his own son

8 8 Peter the Great Ruled from 1682-1725 Wanted to “westernize” Russia –Russia had been isolated from Europe –Peter traveled to Europe –Moved capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg

9 9

10 serf a poor peasant farmer in Russia who worked for a lord and was bound to the land

11 11 On the road to Revolution... Serfs were freed in 1860s, but the population still remained in poverty (poor) Industrial workers put in long hours for little pay

12 12 Bloody Sunday (1905) Things had not improved for the general population under Czar Nicholas II Peasants wanted to confront the Czar: –Peacefully marched to Winter Palace –Czar was not there, but his troops opened fire, killing 1000 peasants Winter Palace

13 Bloody Sunday Nicholas II was forced to allow the creation of a legislative assembly and to grant citizens important civil rights The Czar was losing favor with the people, as well as power

14 14 On the road to Revolution... The Russian people were looking for a change... –poverty –food shortages –major losses in World War I The “Bolsheviks” were emerging as a revolutionary force –Vladimir Lenin was leader –Wrote articles asking for the working class to overthrow their government 14

15 1917 The czar abdicates (resigns) and the Bolsheviks overthrow the government in the Russian Revolution

16 16 Nicholas and family Whole family was executed in 1918 as Russia was engaged in a civil war: –Red (Communist) vs. White (anti- Communist) 16 After he abdicated, Nicholas and his family were kept as prisoners by the Bolsheviks revolution

17 Communism When the Bolsheviks overthrew the government they followed the idea of Communism: –Abolition of Private Property. –Heavy Progressive Income Tax. –Abolition of Rights of Inheritance. –Confiscation of Property Rights. –Central Bank. –Government Ownership of Communication and Transportation. –Government Ownership of Factories and Agriculture. –Government Control of Labor. –Corporate Farms and Regional Planning. –Government Control of Education.

18 Soviet Union (U.S.S.R)

19 Soviet Union The Soviet Union became a totalitarian state led by Vladimir Lenin After Lenin died in 1924, Joseph Stalin took control

20 20 Lenin’s Tomb If you would like to see Lenin can! 20 Just travel to Moscow

21 Soviet Command Economy Forced people to change to new farming methods –Collectivization – land and livestock were taken away from the people –People were forced to work together on large farms so they could produce more

22 " Agriculture is developing slowly, comrades. This is because we have about 25 million individually owned farms. They are the most primitive and undeveloped form of economy We must do our utmost to develop large farms and to convert them into grain factories for the country organized on a modern scientific basis."—Joseph StalinJoseph Stalin

23 This did not work, and an estimated 7 million people died of starvation

24 Soviet Command Economy Personal freedoms were limited 12-15 million people were sent to gulags (labor camps) –The prisoners were used as forced labor to work on massive industrial projects. –People could be imprisoned in a Gulag camp for crimes such as unexcused absences from work, petty theft, or anti-government jokes. –As more laborers were needed for bigger projects and those falling behind schedule, Stalin justified the arrests of more people to be sent to the gulags. –Millions were executed in these camps or perished as they labored on massive modernization schemes.

25 Gulag 25

26 Photoshop: Stalin-style Stalin's agents routinely arrest and kill "enemies of the people“—anyone who disagrees with his politics. Communist Party workers then try to remove any trace of these people from the photographic archives, and so from the media.

27 Soviet Command Economy Government-run businesses No competition Poor products (No matter how hard you work, you will not get paid any more money.)

28 The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, and Russia has been moving to a market economy since then. http://www.history.c om/topics/russian- revolution/videos/th e-fall-of-the-soviet- union?m=528e394d a93ae&s=undefined &f=1&free=false

29 McDonald's in Moscow The opening of a McDonald’s fast-food chain in the Soviet Union, in January 1990, marked a change in the government’s economic policy regarding foreign investment. Here, people line the streets waiting to eat at the Moscow McDonald’s. The fast-food chain served a record 30,000 people on opening day. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

30 Russia Today President Vladimir Putin 30 Prime Minister: 1999-2000 President: 2000-2008 Prime Minister: 2008-2012 President: 2012- present

31 Russia Today Russia, which lumbered toward democracy in the 1990s, has become an increasingly authoritarian place. Vladimir Putin has skillfully consolidated the power of the government without resorting to communist-era totalitarianism. He has undermined the independence of the media, harassed and stymied his critics, and manipulated elections. While the collapse of oil prices spells trouble for the Russian economy, Putin remains popular. Russians seem to like having a strong leader, even if that means that the media are controlled and political opposition is muted. 31

32 Josef Stalin yJMlM yJMlM 32

33 33 24

34 1.Who was the 1 st czar of Russia? 2.Which czar “westernized” Russia? 3.A poor peasant farmer in Russia was called a _______. 4.Why were the people looking for a change during the revolution (3 reasons)? 5.What year did Nicholas II abdicate? 6.What happened to the Czar and his family? 7.The new government followed the idea of ______________. 8.USSR= 9.Who were the first 2 leaders of the Soviet Union? 10.What is autarky? 11.What are gulags? 12.When did the USSR collapse? 13.What type of economic system is Russia now practicing?

35 35 Europe Asia Eurasia—the landmass of Europe & Asia combined Russia Ural Mountains- divide Europe & Asia Warm-up: Sketch map of Russia. Identify Ural Mountains. Copy definition for Eurasia.

36 Soviet Command Economy Autarky – Soviet Union tried to produce all the goods that it needed, without having to trade with other countries

37 Russia’s Market Economy Still developing More consumer choice More access to quality goods Businesses privatized

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