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How a BILL Becomes a LAW In the Senate Each Bill is... Numbered and Titled Referred to proper committee NO PIGEONHOLING.

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Presentation on theme: "How a BILL Becomes a LAW In the Senate Each Bill is... Numbered and Titled Referred to proper committee NO PIGEONHOLING."— Presentation transcript:


2 How a BILL Becomes a LAW In the Senate

3 Each Bill is... Numbered and Titled Referred to proper committee NO PIGEONHOLING

4 Majority and Minority Leaders Agree to schedule a time for a vote and the rules

5 With... Unanimous Consent Any Senator can stop the bill

6 In Debate... There may NOT be time limits These are agreed to by the Majority and Minority Leaders Can be very few, if any, rules

7 Filibuster “talk a bill to death” Stall or delay Senate activity Prevent a vote on a bill

8 “filibusteros” Spanish term taken from the Dutch that means “free booty” Pirates were kidnapping people and holding them for ransom Legislative kidnapping

9 Filibuster Records Alfonse D’Amato R-NY 1992 15 hrs 15 min Huey long D-LA 1935 15 hrs. 30 min Strom Thurmond D-SC 1957 24 hrs. 18 min

10 Weapons to Stop a Filibuster Day and night sessions Standing rule only Parliamentary language Cloture Vote – 60 senators agree to 30 hour maximum

11 Voting Roll Call Vote by voice

12 If Passed the Senate it may go on to...

13 House

14 Conference Committee

15 President

16 President’s Options Sign into LAW Veto Message 10 day rule Pocket Veto

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