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Earth Science Unit 1 Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Mass Wasting.

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1 Earth Science Unit 1 Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Mass Wasting

2 Start-Up  Objectives Explain how mass wasting occurs Discuss several rapid mass wasting events Discuss several slow mass wasting events  What happened in this picture? What caused it?

3 Mass Wasting  Quick Read- Lets read Lesson 4 pages 97-99

4 Terms  Erosion- the removal of soil by wind water or ice  Landslide- the rapid downhill movement of a large amount of materials  Regolith- the loose layer of rock and soil

5 Terms  Slump- A large block of soil and rock that slides downhill along a curved slope, forcing the rock mass to tilt backwards  Mudflow- the rapid downhill movement of a large amount of mud  Soil creep- extremely slow down hill slide of soil  Earthflow- slow movement of soil down a steep slope

6 Factors Effecting Mass Wasting  Steepness of slope  Type of rock  Amount of moisture in the ground

7 Mass Wasting at Work  Mass Wasting Mass Wasting Mass Wasting

8 Review Questions  Let’s answer them together!  Page 99

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