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Lesson 8. Lesson 8 #1 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence deviousadjectivea)Meant to trick; not straightforward ; shifty b)Departing from the correct.

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1 Lesson 8

2 Lesson 8 #1 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence deviousadjectivea)Meant to trick; not straightforward ; shifty b)Departing from the correct or accepted way c)Departing from the straight or direct course; roundabout a)It was rumored that lawyer used devious means to win the case. b)Though he used devious methods, he was able to get tickets to the concert. c)Could you have chosen a more devious way through the forest?

3 Lesson 8 #2 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence duplicityNounDeliberate deception in behavior or speech She said she couldn’t come to my party because she was leaving town, but her duplicity became clear when I saw her the next day.

4 Lesson 8 #3 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence FictitiousAdjectivea)False or fake; adopted or assumed in order to deceive b)Imaginary; unreal; relating to fiction a)The actress signed a fictitious name in the hotel guest book. b)Unicorns are fictitious creatures.

5 Lesson 8 #4 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence guileNounSly intelligence; craftiness with the intention to deceive The fox used his guile to outsmart the crow.

6 Lesson 8 #5 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence gullibleAdjectiveEasily deceived or fooled Do advertisers count on the fact that people are gullible?

7 Lesson 8 #6 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence hypocriticalAdjectiveGiving a false appearance; saying one thing, but doing another The hypocritical official spoke out against government waste, while using public money to take expensive vacations.

8 Lesson 8 #7 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence masqueradea)Verb b)Noun a)To disguise oneself; to put on a false or deceptive appearance b)A disguise or false appearance; a scheme or charade a)The stowaway masqueraded as a member of the ship’s crew. b)The storefront was a masquerade for a criminal operation.

9 Lesson 8 #8 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence overtAdjectiveOpen and observable; not hidden or secret The man’s overt mistreatment of his dog shocked the neighbors.

10 Lesson 8 #9 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence reputableAdjectiveHaving a good reputation; well thought of; honorable or trustworthy Reputable companies obey the law and guarantee the quality of their products.

11 Lesson 8 #10 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence veracityNounTruthfulness or accuracy; conformity to fact or truth The veracity of his testimony was supported by other evidence.

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