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The disabled can also play a valuable role writer physicist singer musician athlete …

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2 The disabled can also play a valuable role writer physicist singer musician athlete …


4 volleyball

5 swimming

6 tennis

7 basketball




11 The Closing Ceremony of the Special Olympics in Athens.

12 Do you know when the 1 st Special Olympics was held?And where? How many events did it include?


14 Conclude the main idea of each paragraph Para 1: Para 2: Para 3: Introduction to the Special Olympics Talking about the athletes The effects of the Special Olympics and some other information about it.


16 1.How often is the Special Olympics held? Where was the first Special Olympics held? 2.Why do many Special Olympics athletes think that taking part in the games is a victory? 3.How do the events like the Special Olympics help mentally disabled people? 4. When will the Special Olympics be held in Shanghai?

17 1.How often is the Special Olympics held? Where was the first Special Olympics held? Every four years. In Chicago.

18 2.Why do many Special Olympics athletes think that taking part in the games is a victory? Because each athlete had to train for many years and overcome fear and hardship to reach the Games. For them, winning isn’t to be the first one across the finish line or scoring the most goals, but the best you can be.

19 3.How do the events like the Special Olympics help mentally disabled people? By preparing for and participating in the Special Olympics, mentally disabled children and adults can develop their ability to move, improve their health and gain greater self-confidence. The Special Olympics is also a good way to make friends.

20 4. When will the Special Olympics be held in Shanghai? In 2007.


22 1.Every four years, mentally disabled athletes come together to take part in the Special Olympics. = every fourth year 弱智运动员每四年聚会一次,参加特 殊奥林匹克运动会。

23 every 4 years /every fourth year Every 2 weeks/every second week/ every other week 1. 他每隔两周去看望他乡下的父母。 2. 老师要我们隔行写。 He went to see his parents in the country every three weeks /third week. Our teacher asks us to write every other line.

24 2.There is a strong sense of unity and friendship. 竞赛是激烈的,然而又具有强烈的团 结、友谊的气氛。 a sense of 感,意识 I like those with a good sense of humor.

25 There is no sense arguing about it any more. make sense 讲得通,明智 There is no sense (in) doing sth. 做 某事毫无意义 / 没用 No matter how you read it, this sentence doesn’t make sense.

26 1. 我没有经商意识。 2. 照料好你的身体是很明智的。 3. 我认为在此闲逛 (hang about) 是没用的。 I have no sense of business. It makes good sense to take care of your health. I don’t think there is much sense in hanging about here.

27 3. The disability makes everyday life difficult and society often fails to treat the mentally disabled with dignity and respect. 残疾使日常生活困难,社会也经常不 能给智力障碍者以尊重和尊严。

28 没能做到某事 fail to do sth.; fail in doing sth. I failed in persuading him. I failed to see him. He was out. fail sb. 使某人失望 His friends failed him when he most needed them. 他的朋友们在他最需他们的时候使他失望了。

29 4. …cities are now competing for the honor to host the event. 如今有一些城市都在争取特奥会的举办权, 并以此为荣。

30 grand ceremony overcome fear and hardships score the most goals treat sb with dibnity and respect gain self-confidence spread acrocc the world compete for the honour to hst the event

31 1.I don’t think there is much sense ____the articles. copy copying copy D.copying 2.He promised to take his wife to go out for a trip____. A.every second years B.every other year C.each two years D.each other year D B

32 3.It’s said that 28 students from 14 classes will____the Oral English Competition. A.compete in B.compete for C.compete with D.compete over A

33 How can we help the disabled?

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