ND Community Call Salmon Community April 16, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "ND Community Call Salmon Community April 16, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ND Community Call Salmon Community April 16, 2014

2 2 Agenda  Roll Call  Video Discussion: “Juvenile Hall School”  At-Risk Programming  Recent TA Requests  Resource Walk-Thru: NDTAC Program Highlights  Recent and Upcoming Events

3 3 Video Discussion “Juvenile Hall School” (2010)Juvenile Hall School  Reactions?  Do you include classroom observations when conducting subgrantee monitoring visits? Why or why not?  If yes, what have been some of your observations? Do you use a protocol or checklist when observing a classroom? What kinds of things do you look for?  How does the quality of teaching vary within and across your facilities?  Do you feel you are in a position to influence the quality of instruction in your role as ND Coordinator? Why or why not?  Do you feel you are in a position to influence the quality of instructional materials used in facilities in your role as ND Coordinator? Why or why not?

4 4 At Risk Programming State Number of At-Risk Programs AK1 DE DC0 HI ID8 IA0 ME0 MT5 NV2 NH4 NM8 PR RI0 SD2 UT VT0 WY10  Are these numbers correct for your state?  What kind of programming are you funding?  How well are your at-risk programs performing?  Any challenging programs?  Any success stories?  Any lessons learned?

5 5 Recent TA Request  REQUEST: Should we anticipate any CSPR changes for SY 2013-14?  RESPONSE: NDTAC recommends collecting the same data to support program evaluation but there will be minor reporting changes:  File specification C135 is being eliminated. States will not have to report the number of students who tested below grade level upon entry.  The number of long-term students will be collected as a straight number. States will not have to report the sum of students with complete pre-post test data, a pre-test only, a posttest only, or no test data at all in file specifications C119 and C127.  For more information view the file specifications updatesfile specifications updates

6 6 Recent TA Request  Request: Is the non-regulatory guidance authoritative?  Response: Yes, no, maybe so…  Developed by ED  Describes and exemplifies TIPD requirements in further detail than the statute  Does not impose any new requirements beyond those in the ESEA and other applicable Federal statutes and regulations  States are encouraged to consider the Guidance in developing their own guidelines and standards; however, you are free to develop alternative approaches that meet applicable Federal statutory and regulatory requirements  Federal monitors often consult and reference the Guidance

7 7 Resource Walk-Thrus  Neglected or Delinquent Program Highlights Neglected or Delinquent Program Highlights  Education Advocate Program Washington State Education Advocate Program  Transition and Reentry Programs Washoe County, Nevada Transition and Reentry Programs  Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center Alexandria, Virginia Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center

8 8 Recent and Upcoming Events  Interagency Juvenile Reentry Committee Meeting which will be held (April 21) 2:00-2:10: Brief introductions in the room and on the phone 2:10-2:20: AIR and ED Welcome 2:20-2:25: Approve notes from March meeting 2:25-2:45: Follow up from March meeting and discussion of inter-agency collective impact (Ricco) 2:45-3:05: OJJDP plans for juvenile reentry and requests for interagency support (Kellie) 3:05-3:15: Agency/organization updates 3:15-3:25: Juvenile Reentry snapshot for June FIRC meeting—revisions due by 4/30 3:25-3:30: Wrap-up and adjournment  SSD Webinar Series Event: Guiding Principle #3, Equity & Continuous Improvement (April 29) SSD Webinar Series Event: Guiding Principle #3, Equity & Continuous Improvement

9 9 Upcoming Salmon Community Calls  Wednesday, July 16, 2014, 2 – 3PM ET

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