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Lab #2 NET332 By Asma AlOsaimi. "Security has been a major concern in today’s computer networks. There has been various exploits of attacks against companies,

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Presentation on theme: "Lab #2 NET332 By Asma AlOsaimi. "Security has been a major concern in today’s computer networks. There has been various exploits of attacks against companies,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab #2 NET332 By Asma AlOsaimi

2 "Security has been a major concern in today’s computer networks. There has been various exploits of attacks against companies, many of the attacks cost companies their reputation and cost them millions of pounds. Many attacks are implemented using inside knowledge from previous and even current employees."

3 Part#1: Network Fundamentals

4 Outline cs490ns - cotter4  LANs  LAN Routers / Gateways  Wireless Connection  Firewalls  NAT  Network Protocols  Protocol Analysis

5 Single Machine cs490ns - cotter5  Security Risk: Physical Security  Access to Machine (loss of equipment)  Hack Machine (loss of information)

6 Local Area Networks cs490ns - cotter6  Security Risk: Physical Security  Access to Machine (loss of equipment)  Access to Hub / Switch (loss/ leak of information)  Hack Machine (loss/ leak of information) Hub / Switch

7 Local Area Networks (Routers / Gateways) cs490ns - cotter7 Internet Router / Gateway

8 Local Area Networks (Access Technologies) cs490ns - cotter8  56 Kbps Modem  Establish a point-to-point connection to ISP  Use PPTP (etc.) to establish an internet connection  Private link  DSL  Full Time, Broadband connection  Uses existing telecom facilities  Private link  Cable Modem  Full Time, Broadband connection  Shares existing cable TV facility with others

9 Wireless Connection cs490ns - cotter9 Internet WAP + Router

10 Firewalls cs490ns - cotter10  Provides a mechanism to control / monitor access to the LAN InternetFirewall

11 Network Address Translation cs490ns - cotter11  Many networks configured with private IP addresses (,,  Addresses are not routed.  Must convert to public address for Internet access.  To addresses that are routed.  May also have many hosts sharing limited network addresses.  If only 1 network address, then service is called Port Address Translation - PAT  NAT provides the translation services

12 Network Address Translation cs490ns - cotter12

13 Network Protocols cs490ns - cotter13

14 LAN Physical Layer Protocols cs490ns - cotter14  Ethernet  10base5  10base2  10baseT, 100baseT, 1000baseT  Wireless Networks  802.11a  802.11b  802.11g  Token Ring  etc.

15 WAN Physical Layer Protocols cs490ns - cotter15  Telecommunications  DS0, DS1, DS3  SONET  ISDN  etc.  Metro Area Protocols  Cellular Telephone  FDDI  WiMAX

16 Network Layer Protocols cs490ns - cotter16  Internet Protocol (IP)  Routes packets across the network  Manages packet fragmentation across network  Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)  Provides support for IP and TCP  Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)  Provides address resolution between network layer and data link layer addresses.

17 Transport Layer Protocols cs490ns - cotter17  Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)  Provides reliable end-to-end packet transport  Provides packet flow control  User Datagram Protocol (UDP)  Provides simplified end-to-end packet transport  No control overhead  No packet fragmentation

18 Application Layer Protocols cs490ns - cotter18  Support specific network applications  FTP  HTTP( www)  SMTP, POP3,IMAP (E-MAIL)

19 Protocol Analysis cs490ns - cotter19  Packet Sniffers  WireShark (Ethereal)  Etherpeek  EtherDetect  Zx Sniffer  AnalogX PacketMon  Colasoft Capsa  AirMagnet Enterprise (Wireless monitoring)  etc.

20 Summary cs490ns - cotter20  LANs  LAN Routers / Gateways  Wireless Connection  Firewalls  NAT  Network Protocols  Protocol Analysis

21 Part#2:Introduction to security

22 Who is vulnerable? 15-441 Networks Fall 200222  Financial institutions and banks  Internet service providers  Government and defense agencies  Contractors to various government agencies  Multinational corporations  ANYONE ON THE NETWORK

23 Common security attacks and their countermeasures 15-441 Networks Fall 200223  Finding a way into the network  Firewalls  Exploiting software bugs, buffer overflows  Intrusion Detection Systems  Denial of Service  IDS  TCP hijacking  IPSec  Packet sniffing  Encryption (SSH, SSL, HTTPS)  Social problems  Education

24 Common security attacks

25 What is a vulnerable system?  A vulnerability is a weakness in software, hardware that enables the attacker to compromise the confidentiality, integrity or availability of that system.  An attacker can use a vulnerability to compromise a system.  For example a weakness in a protocol allows the attacker to run arbitrary code.  If you understand the vulnerability, it will help you to implement the appropriate security control

26 Part#3: CT1406 LAB

27 Back Track 5 Metasploitable (Ubuntu) Windows Server 2008 Windows PC CT1406 Lab Setup

28 Pentest ?  A pentest is a method of evaluating and testing the security of a system, network, or application by performing actions that are meant to simulate the actions of a malicious attacker.

29 Metasploit  Metasploit framework provides you with information on security vulnerabilities which can be used to exploit a system.  Penetration testers can also use this tool to launch manual or automated scans.

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