Remember the number 2000 Adam---2000---Abraham---2000---Christ---2000---Us.

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2 Remember the number 2000 Adam---2000---Abraham---2000---Christ---2000---Us

3 ~2100 Abram called (Genesis 12) ~1920 Jacob & sons (Genesis 29-30) ~1875 Jacob & family to Egypt (Genesis 46) ~1445 Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 13-18) ~1400 Into the Promised Land (Joshua 3-5) ~1335 Judges begin to rule Israel (Judges 3) ~1040 Saul as first king of Israel (1Samuel 9)

4 ~1000 David as king over all Israel (2Samuel 5) ~930 Kingdom divided (1Kings 12) ~830 Writing prophets begin ministering (Joel) ~722 Israel exiled to Assyria (2Kings 17) ~586 Judah exiled to Babylon (2Kings 25) ~539 Persia conquers Babylon (Daniel 5) ~538 Zerubbabel leads return of remnant (Ezra 2) ~520 Haggai & Zechariah prophesy to returnees

5 ~835 Joel (to pre-exile Judah) Day of the LORD ~766 Amos (to pre-exile Israel) Judgment ~760 Jonah (re Nineveh pre-exile) Judgment ~753 Hosea (to pre-exile Israel) Judging unfaithfulness ~739-711 Isaiah (to pre-exile Judah) Condemn/Comfort ~735 Micah (to pre-exile Judah) Who is like the LORD? ~697 Nahum (re Nineveh pre-exile) Judgment ~638 Zephaniah (to pre-exile Judah) Day of the LORD

6 ~627-586 Jeremiah (to pre-exile Judah) Faithfulness in spite ~625 Habakkuk (to pre-exile Judah) Faith in spite ~586 Obadiah (re Edom at exile) Judgment ~605-539 Daniel (to Judah in exile) Kingdoms ~593-573 Ezekiel (to Judah in exile) Judgment/Restoration ~520 Haggai (to Judah post-exile) Back to Work ~520 Zechariah (to Judah post-exile) Back to Work ~430 Malachi (to Judah post-exile)

7 ~478 Esther as queen of Persia ~458-456 Ezra’s ministry in Jerusalem (Ezra 7-10) ~445-432 Nehemiah’s ministry in Jerusalem ~430 Malachi prophesies

8 -Questioning the LORD’s love (1:2-5) -Despising the LORD’s Name (1:6-2:9) -Profaning the LORD’s temple (2:10-17) -Enduring the LORD’s coming (3:1-7) -Robbing the LORD’s storehouse (3:8-12) -Disrespecting the LORD’s service (3:13-15) -Reverencing the LORD’s Name (3:16-4:6)

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