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The Daily 5 World Geography January 5-8, 2016. The Daily Five 1/6/16 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared.

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Presentation on theme: "The Daily 5 World Geography January 5-8, 2016. The Daily Five 1/6/16 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Daily 5 World Geography January 5-8, 2016

2 The Daily Five 1/6/16 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 1. What is geography? 2. Is it important to study geography? Why or why not? 3. What is the most important geographic event in human history? Why? 4. What are the three most important ways that geography has shaped the evolution of the human species? Be prepared to justify your response. 5. What is the most important issue facing people in the world today? Can this problem be solved without geography? Why or why not? Be prepared to provide an example to defend your response.

3 The Daily Five 1/7/16 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 1. What are the most important tools utilized by physical geographers? 2. Is it important to study the biological and physical make-up of the earth itself? Why or why not? How much money should governments devote to such scientific research? Justify your response. 3. What are the three most important facts scientists have learned about earth’s physical make up that impact the survival of the human species? 4. How important is it for you to be taught map making skills in today’s world given the advent and accessibility of modern technology such as GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing? Is there any danger in becoming too dependent on this technology? Why or why not? 5. What are the five themes of geography? Which do you believe to be the most important? Why?

4 The Daily Five 1/8/16 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 1. What are the characteristics utilized by geographers to define a climate zone? How many climate zones are there? Why is it necessary for humans to understand the biomes which exist within each climate zone? 2. What is an ecosystem? Create an original diagram illustrating how an ecosystem works by connecting the abiotic and biotic components of the environment. 3. What is the difference between a biome and an ecosystem? Create another original illustration to demonstrate how separate ecosystems work together to create a biome. 4. How many biomes are there? Create a chart, diagram or illustration depicting the following information for each biome: A) Climate Zone B) Location – Latitudinal Range C) Natural Vegetation D) Native Species E) Unique Characteristics or Special Considerations for Human Habitation F) Natural Resources 5. Based on the chart you created in question four, what are the top three most desirable biomes for human habitation? Why? Be sure you justify your response and be prepared to defend your answers in class!

5 The Daily 5 World Geography January 11-15, 2016

6 The Daily Five 1/11/16 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 1. What is adaptation and why is it the primary focus of cultural geographers? 2. What are the five bio-psychological needs which all humans must meet? If you had to rank these needs which would you consider to be most important and why? 3. What is the first and most central task of any society? How is this task impacted by the environment in which the society is located? What is the name given to the systems that people design in order to meet their needs? 4. What is the difference between environmental determinism and possibilism? Create an original example of each theory and explain whether or not you agree with the theory of possibilism. 5. What is the overall theme or message of the movie “Home”? Do you agree or disagree with the authors of the film? Why or Why not?

7 The Daily Five 1/12/16 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 1. What is a region? In what ways are they socially constructed? List and define the three types of regions that we learned about yesterday. Give an example of each. 2. Define the term transition zone. Give an example of a transition zone and how life there differs from other places. 3. What is the difference between a nation and a state? What about a nation state and a stateless nation? Give examples of each. 4. Of the eleven different types of political systems we examined yesterday, which do you think is the best? Which is the worst? Why? 5. What is the primary role of government? How does geography impact a government’s ability to successfully do its job?

8 The Daily Five 1/13/16 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 1. What three factors make up an economy? 2. What are the four main types of economic systems? Give an example of a nation that utilizes each system. 3. How does supply and demand impact an economy? What type of economic system is most likely to respond to changes in supply and demand? Why? 4. What are the five types of economic activities? Give an original example demonstrating your understanding of industrial development by tracing the life of a product through each of the economic processes from Primary to Quinary. (Hint – We did it yesterday with a toothpick). 5. How necessary is each type of economic activity to human progress and survival? Is there any type which is more valuable than another or any which could be eliminated? Why or why not?

9 The Daily Five 1/14/16 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 1. What is sustainability? How does it relate to the theme of the documentary film Home? 2. The diagram to the left is called a sustainability model. Define each term on the diagram and explain how people must integrate each aspect in order to create a sustainable lifestyle. 3. Based on what you learned in the film, what are the top three obstacles that would prevent people from adopting a more sustainable lifestyle? How might these obstacles be overcome? 4. According to the makers of the film, if left unchecked humans consumption will drain the earth of many of it’s nonrenewable resources resulting in catastrophic natural disasters which will endanger and cause the extinction of most species on the planet. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not? 5. What are five changes you can make towards living or adopting a sustainable lifestyle? Are you willing to make these changes? Why or why not?

10 The Daily 5 World Geography January 18-22, 2016

11 The Daily 5 January 21, 2016 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 1. What is the difference between a religion, a philosophy and a belief system? Is it possible for a person to practice or adhere to more than one at the same time? Why or why not? 2. What led to the development of monotheism? How is this related to the popularity of monotheistic religions today? 3. What are the major belief systems practiced today? How does this impact cultural relationships in differing societies? 4. What similarities do all human belief systems share? What leads to cultural differences? How is this related to geography? 5. In what ways has the diversity of belief systems both positively and negatively impacted the development of the human species? Identify three global crises related to the clash of differing belief systems and explain how and why they might be solved through the development of cultural literacy and education.

12 The Daily 5 January 22, 2016 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 1. What is culture? Is it innate or socially constructed? Give at least two examples to justify your response. 2. What is the difference between formal and informal culture? How do these impact human growth and behavior at a personal level? 3. Why is cultural acquisition considered to be a biological imperative for humans? 4. How does one define membership to a particular culture? Is it possible for one individual to have more than one cultural identity? Why or why not? 5. How do you define your cultural identity? Do you claim membership to any particular subculture that you have chosen rather than been born into? Which is more important to you personally, the culture of your birth or the culture of your choice? Why?

13 The Daily 5 World Geography January 25-29, 2016

14 The Daily 5 January 27, 2016 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 1. What is the core group of all societies? 2. How do societies pass on their culture or beliefs? 3. What are the different types of social groups typically found in human societies? How does this impact cultural relationships in those societies? 4. What similarities do all human cultures share? What leads to cultural differences? How is this related to geography? 5. In what ways has cultural diversity both positively and negatively impacted the development of the human species? Identify three global crises related to the clash of differing cultures and explain how and why they might be solved through the development of cultural literacy and education.

15 The Daily 5 January 28, 2016 Directions: Answer the following five questions on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 1. What is the difference between a religion, a philosophy and a belief system? Is it possible for a person to practice or adhere to more than one at the same time? Why or why not? 2. What led to the development of belief systems? What fundamental needs do they meet for human societies? 3. What are major belief systems practiced today? How does this impact cultural relationships in differing societies? 4. What similarities do all human belief systems share? What leads to cultural differences? How is this related to geography? 5. In what ways has the diversity of belief systems both positively and negatively impacted the development of the human species? Identify three global crises related to the clash of differing belief systems and explain how and why they might be solved through the development of cultural literacy and education.

16 The Daily 5 World Geography February 1-5, 2016

17 Daily 5 2/4/16 1. If you are politically active, tell me about your political beliefs. 2. What party do you support, and why? 3. Who do you think would be the best candidate for President? Why? 4. Why are religion and politics difficult to discuss? 5. Why is it important for a President to understand or be culturally literate about cultural geographic issued such as religious beliefs? Are there any candidates whose religious views might prevent them from doing a good job as president? Why?

18 The Daily 5 World Geography February 8-12, 2016

19 Daily 5 2/10/16 1. Explain why the Arabs and Israelis are fighting over Palestine? 2. Whose side do you agree with more? Why? 3. What are the three most important conflicts the US has been involved in the Middle East? 4. What is the Arab Spring Movement? Where did it start, how did it spread and what are its goals? 5. In your opinion, will it ever be possible to resolve the current conflicts in the Middle East? Why or why not?

20 Daily 5: 2/11/16 1. Which countries make up the region of South Asia? 2. How has religion helped to cause conflict in South Asia? 3. Who is considered the father of Indian Nationalism? 4. What is Satyagraha? Why is important to US History? 5. Which two South Asian Nations has the US fought in as part of the War on Terror? Why?

21 The Daily 5 World Geography February 16-19, 2016

22 Daily 5: 2/16/16 1. What impact has the death of Bin Laden had on the War on Terror? Has it in any way helped to resolve the situation? Why or why not? 2. Who were the Mujahedeen? How did they impact the Afghani Wars? 3. How did the Mujahedeen become the Taliban? 4. When was al Qaeda founded? How is it related to the Taliban? 5. When was Osama Bin Laden Killed? Where? How and by whom? How did his death impact the Taliban, al Qaeda and the US?

23 Daily 5: 2/17/16 1. What are the five minor nations of South Asia? 2. Why are they considered to be less “important” than India, Pakistan and Afghanistan? 3. What are the most important challenges facing people in these nations as a whole? 4. What is ethnic cleansing? When did this start in Bhutan? Who was targeted and what percentage of the population was included? How many Bhutanese refugees are currently living in Nepal? 5. Why do most people in the world know nothing about the situation in Bhutan? What measures does the Bhutanese government take to “preserve the culture” of Bhutan? What is the true motivation behind these measures?

24 Daily 5: 2/18/16 1. What are the nations of Southeast Asia and ANZOA? 2. What makes this a region and where is it located? 3. What is the “Ring of Fire”? Why is it considered to be a major threat to people living in this region? 4. Read the article on the Khmer Rouge included in your packet. After reading the article explain what happened in Cambodia and what goals the Pol Pot and his government were trying to accomplish. Why was Pol Pot never charged with any crimes and why do many people question the integrity of the charges brought by the United Nations against those five people who were held responsible? 5. What are the major issues facing the people of Southeast Asia and ANZOA today?

25 Daily 5: 2/18/16 1. Who were the first inhabitants of Australia and New Zealand? Where did they come from? 2. By which nation colonized Australia and New Zealand? For what purpose? 3. What happened to most of the original inhabitants of Australia and New Zealand? 4. What are the top three major issues facing the people of Australia and New Zealand today? 5. What were the biggest consequences of British colonization for Australia and New Zealand?

26 The Daily 5 World Geography February 22-25, 2016

27 Daily 5: 2/22/16 1. What are the nations included in the region of East Asia? 2. What are the five mountain ranges located in this region? Why are they special? 3. What are the two major deserts and plateaus for this region? How did they combine with the region’s other physical features to contribute to its unique cultural development? 4. What is the largest man made physical feature in East Asia? How long is it? Why was it built? 5. What are the most important peninsulas and islands in East Asia? Why did they develop into trading economies?

28 Daily 5: 2/23/16 1. What percentage of the world’s population is Chinese? What impact does this have on the world economy? Why would it benefit a person who wanted to become an entrepreneur to learn Chinese languages and culture? 2. What cycle dominated Chinese history from 3500 BCE to 1911 CE? What started in 1911 CE? When was the war between China’s Nationalists and Communists? Who won? What island did the losers retreat to? 3. What is the difference between the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China? What were the time periods for each? Which country invaded China during WWII? How long did this invasion last? 4. Who was the leader of China from 1949-1976? What was the “Cultural Revolution” and who enforced it? How was the “Great Leap Forward Program” related to the Cultural Revolution? What happened as a result of these economic polices? 5. What was the Tiannamen Square Massacre? When did it occur? What other controversial human rights issues represent the biggest challenges facing the Chinese today?

29 Daily 5: 2/24/16 1. What are the top ten Japanese inventions? Are they truly Japanese? Why or why not? 2. What are the four major islands of Japan? How many smaller islands are included in the Japanese archipelago? What type of islands are they and what is Japan’s most famous landmark? 3. How did the Chinese and Japanese response to European Imperialism differ? What actions did this lead the Japanese to take and what were the consequences for those actions? How did this help contribute to Japan’s current position as a world leader and its unique cultural relationship with the US? 4. Which two minor East Asian nations are known as economic “Tigers?” What gave them this nickname and what factors made them develop differently from poorer nations like Mongolia and North Korea? 5. Which conflict led to the political division of North and South Korea? When did this conflict occur? Which nation’s intervention in the conflict led to the division of the country along the ______________ parallel and what are the political systems for each half? *** Bonus – Can you name a peninsula in Europe that is divided into two separate nations?


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