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JEOPOARDY! Unit XVII Mr. H. Mayo Mrs. B. Merritt American History II.

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Presentation on theme: "JEOPOARDY! Unit XVII Mr. H. Mayo Mrs. B. Merritt American History II."— Presentation transcript:

1 JEOPOARDY! Unit XVII Mr. H. Mayo Mrs. B. Merritt American History II

2 PeoplePresidentsForeignAffairsPolitics Odds and Ends Hodgepodge 100 200 300 400 500 FINAL JEOPARDY

3 What Soviet leader started the policies of perestroika and glasnost? 100

4 Gorbachev People

5 What president called for less federal involvement in the lives of American citizens? 200

6 Ronald Reagan People

7 Which President want the US to depend more on Nuclear Power and get off its dependency on Foreign Oil ? 300

8 Richard Nixon BONUS People

9 Bonus: What program created an increase in the national debt during the 1980 ’ s?

10 Reaganomics

11 What defense system was proposed by Reagan to use lasers and shoot down enemy nuclear missiles? 400

12 SDI (Star Wars) People

13 Who campaigned unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988? 500

14 Jessie Jackson People

15 President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed this major arms limitation treaty in 1987 which provided for the dismantling of all short-range and intermediate-range missiles in Europe was know as? 100

16 INF Treaty Presidents

17 Why did Richard Nixon resign the office of president? 200

18 He knew he would be impeached Presidents

19 Which two presidents were not reelected because of weak economies? 300

20 Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush Presidents

21 What person served as Vice-president and President, but was not elected to either office? 400

22 Gerald Ford Presidents

23 What president had to deal with Americans being held hostage by Iranians in Tehran ? 500

24 Jimmy Carter BONUS Presidents

25 Bonus: President Ford’s voluntary policy that tried to reduce oil and gas consumption. ?

26 WIN Presidents

27 What issue became a major part of Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy ? 100

28 Human Rights Foreign Affairs

29 What region was affected by the Camp David Accords? 200

30 Middle East Foreign Affairs

31 What event led to the capture of the American embassy in Iran? 300

32 The United States refused to return the Shah. Foreign Affairs

33 What foreign policy scandal involved Ronald Reagan and Oliver North ? 400

34 Iran-Contra Affair. BONUS Foreign Affairs

35 Bonus: Name three leaders who were involved in the Camp David Accords.

36 Carter, Begin, al Sadat Foreign Affairs

37 What organization punished the U.S. for supporting Israel in the Yom Kippur War? ? 500

38 OPEC Foreign Affairs

39 What political philosophy was followed by Ronald Reagan? 100

40 Conservative Politics

41 What is the most likely reason President Ford pardoned Nixon? 200

42 He felt he could not govern with the distraction of pending criminal action against Nixon Politics

43 Which of the following helped Ronald Reagan win the election of 1980? 300

44 Jimmy Carter had not solved the hostage crisis Politics

45 Who were the two reporters that first broke the news about the Watergate break-in? 400

46 Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein Politics

47 In the 1980’s Name a group closely associate with the Conservative Coalition the election of Ronald Reagan ? 500

48 the Moral Majority, BONUS Politics

49 Bonus: The Helsinki Accords, signed by Gerald Ford and leaders of thirty- four other nations pledged to support ?

50 certain basic human rights Politics

51 What presidential economic program depended on supply-side theories? 100

52 Reaganomics Odds and Ends

53 What case ruled that affirmative action resulted in reverse discrimination ? 200

54 BAKKE Odds and Ends

55 What was decided in Roe v. Wade? 300

56 States could not make abortion illegal Odds and Ends

57 What population trend continued during the 1970’s 400

58 Into sunbelt States Odds and Ends

59 What two events raised concern about nuclear accidents? 500

60 Chernobyl and Three Mile Island Odds and Ends

61 The relaxation of strained political relations and Cold War tensions between the superpowers. ? 100

62 Detente Hodgepodge

63 Which NC Senator served on the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities that pursued the Watergate Scandal ? 200

64 Sam Irvin Hodgepodge

65 What is the law that prevents federally funded schools from discriminating against girls and young women in all aspects of their operations? 300

66 Title IX Hodgepodge BONUS

67 What caused the Space Shuttle Challenger to explode just after take off in January of 1986 ?

68 A defect seal around the fuel tanks Hodgepodge

69 What program prevented Ronald Reagan from reducing the deficit? 400

70 Star Wars Hodgepodge

71 A 1972 agreement between the superpowers to limit the production of specific types of nuclear weapons. ? 500

72 SALT I Hodgepodge

73 FINAL JEOPARDY: Over 200 US Marines were killed during a peace keeping action in Lebanon during the Presidency of : answer

74 Ronald Reagan The End

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