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Part 3 MAC and Routing with Directional Antennas Nitin H. Vaidya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign © 2003 Nitin Vaidya.

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2 Part 3 MAC and Routing with Directional Antennas Nitin H. Vaidya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign © 2003 Nitin Vaidya

3 Impact of Antennas on MAC Wireless hosts traditionally use single-mode antennas Typically, the single-mode = omni-directional Our interest here in antennas with multiple (directional) modes

4 CFABED RTS RTS = Request-to-Send IEEE 802.11 Pretending a circular range

5 CFABED RTS RTS = Request-to-Send IEEE 802.11 NAV = 10 NAV = remaining duration to keep quiet

6 CFABED CTS CTS = Clear-to-Send IEEE 802.11

7 CFABED CTS CTS = Clear-to-Send IEEE 802.11 NAV = 8

8 CFABED DATA DATA packet follows CTS. Successful data reception acknowledged using ACK. IEEE 802.11


10 CFABED ACK IEEE 802.11 Reserved area

11 C D X Y Omni-Directional Antennas Red nodes Cannot Communicate presently

12 Directional Antennas C D X Y Not possible using Omni

13 Question How to exploit directional antennas in ad hoc networks ? –Medium access control –Routing

14 MAC Protocols

15 Antenna Model 2 Operation Modes: Omni and Directional A node may operate in any one mode at any given time

16 Antenna Model In Omni Mode: Nodes receive signals with gain G o While idle a node stays in omni mode In Directional Mode: Capable of beamforming in specified direction Directional Gain G d (G d > G o ) Symmetry: Transmit gain = Receive gain

17 Antenna Model More recent work models sidelobes approximately

18 Directional Communication Received Power  (Transmit power) *(Tx Gain) * (Rx Gain) Directional gain is higher

19 Potential Benefits of Directional Antennas Increase “range”, keeping transmit power constant Reduce transmit power, keeping range comparable with omni mode –Reduces interference, potentially increasing spatial reuse

20 Neighbors Notion of a “neighbor” needs to be reconsidered –Similarly, the notion of a “broadcast” must also be reconsidered

21 B Directional Neighborhood A When C transmits directionally Node A sufficiently close to receive in omni mode Node C and A are Directional-Omni (DO) neighbors Nodes C and B are not DO neighbors C Transmit Beam Receive Beam

22 Directional Neighborhood A B C When C transmits directionally Node B receives packets from C only in directional mode C and B are Directional-Directional (DD) neighbors Transmit Beam Receive Beam

23 Potential Benefits of Directional Antennas Increase “range”, keeping transmit power constant Reduce transmit power, keeping range comparable with omni mode –Several proposal focus on this benefit –Assume that range of omni-directional and directional transmission is equal  Directional transmissions at lower power

24 Caveats Only most important features of the protocols discussed here Antenna characteristics assumed are often different in different papers

25 Simple Tone Sense (STS) Protocol [Yum1992IEEE Trans. Comm.]

26 STS Protocol Based on busy tone signaling: Each host is assigned a tone (sinusoidal wave at a certain frequency) Tone frequency unique in each host’s neighborhood When a host detects a packet destined to itself, it transmit a tone If a host receive a tone on directional antenna A,it assumes that some host in that direction is receiving a packet –Cannot transmit using antenna A presently –OK to transmit using other antennas

27 STS Protocol Tone duration used to encode information –Duration t1 implies transmitting node is busy –Duration t2 implies the transmitting node successfully received a transmission from another node

28 Example S R BC A DATA Tone t1 Node A cannot Initiate a transmission. But B can send to C Because B does not receive t1

29 STS Protocol Issues: Assigning tones to hosts Assigning hosts to antennas: It is assumed that the directions/angles can be chosen –distribute neighbor hosts evenly among the antennas –choose antenna angles such that adjacent antennas have some minimum separation

30 D-MAC Protocol [Ko2000Infocom]

31 DATA RTS CTS ACK BCED Reserved area AF IEEE 802.11

32 Directional MAC (D-MAC) Directional antenna can limit transmission to a smaller region (e.g., 90 degrees). Basic philosophy: MAC protocol similar to IEEE 802.11, but on a per-antenna basis

33 D-MAC IEEE802.11: Node X is blocked if node X has received an RTS or CTS for on-going transfer between two other nodes D-MAC: Antenna T at node X is blocked if antenna T received an RTS or CTS for an on-going transmission Transfer allowed using unblocked antennas If multiple transmissions are received on different antennas, they are assumed to interfere

34 D-MAC Protocols Based on location information of the receiver, sender selects an appropriate directional antenna Several variations are possible

35 D-MAC Scheme 1 Uses directional antenna for sending RTS, DATA and ACK in a particular direction, whereas CTS sent omni-directionally Directional RTS (DRTS) and Omni-directional CTS (OCTS)

36 DATA DRTS(B) OCTS(B,C) ACK A BCE D DRTS(D) DATA ACK OCTS(D,E) DRTS(B) - Directional RTS including location information of node B OCTS(B,C) – Omni-directional CTS including location information of nodes B and C D-MAC Scheme 1: DRTS/OCTS

37 DATA DRTS(B) OCTS(B,C) ACK A BCD DRTS(A) ? Drawback of Scheme 1 Collision-free ACK transmission not guaranteed

38 D-MAC Scheme 2 Scheme 2 is similar to Scheme 1, except for using two types of RTS Directional RTS (DRTS) / Omni-directional RTS (ORTS) both used –If none of the sender’s directional antennas are blocked, send ORTS –Otherwise, send DRTS when the desired antenna is not blocked

39 D-MAC Scheme 2 Probability of ACK collision lower than scheme 1 Possibilities for simultaneous transmission by neighboring nodes reduced compared to scheme 1

40 Variations Paper discusses further variations on the theme –Reducing ACK collisions –Reducing wasteful transmission of RTS to busy nodes

41 Performance Comparison Which scheme will perform better depends on –location of various hosts –traffic patterns –antenna characteristics

42 Performance Evaluation Mesh topology No mobility Bulk TCP traffic 2 Mbps channel 510152025 49141924 38131823 16111621 27121722

43 Performance Measurement Reference throughput of single TCP connection using IEEE 802.11 –1 hop (1383 Kbps) –2 hops (687 Kbps) –3 hops (412 Kbps) –4 hops (274 Kbps)

44 Connections IEEE802.11 Scheme1 Scheme2 No.1 1130.42 771.27 51.03 Total Throughput 1344.99 1811.48 1354.67 No.2 214.57 1040.21 1303.64 Performance Measurement Scenario 1 510152025 49141924 38131823 16111621 27121722 12

45 Connections IEEE802.11 Scheme1 Scheme2 No.3 653.64 1250.14 884.82 Total Throughput 1288.22 2501.78 1752.51 No.4 634.58 1251.64 867.69 Performance Measurement Scenario 2: Best case for scheme 1 510152025 49141924 38131823 16111621 27121722 3 4

46 Connections IEEE802.11 Scheme1 Scheme2 No.5 179.66 207.41 210.20 Total Throughput 359.12 416.94 426.73 No.6 179.46 209.53 216.53 Performance Measurement Scenario 3 510152025 49141924 38131823 16111621 27121722 5 6

47 Connections IEEE802.11 Scheme1 Scheme2 No.7 157.50 146.73 165.89 Total 516.63 559.03 598.42 No.8 89.90 85.31 81.30 No.9 22.00 91.39 105.03 No.10 89.29 82.30 82.83 No.11 157.94 153.30 163.37 Performance Measurement Scenario 4 510152025 49141924 38131823 16111621 27121722 11 7 8 9 10

48 Limitations of D-MAC No guarantee of collision-free ACK –Some improvements suggested in paper Inaccurate/outdated location information can degrade performance

49 Conclusion Benefit: Can allow more simultaneous transmissions by improving spatial reuse Disadvantage: Can increase Ack collisions Alternatives for determining location information should be considered Location information does not always correlate well with direction

50 Busy Tone Directional MAC [Huang2002MILCOM] Extends the busy tone (DBTMA) protocol originally proposed by omni-directional antennas [Deng98ICUPC] Three channels –Data channel –Two Busy Tone channels Receive tone (BTr) Transmit tone (BTt)

51 DBTMA Sender: –Sense BTr. If sensed busy, defer transmission. –If BTr idle, transmit RTS to receiver Receiver –On receiving RTS, sense BTt. –If BTt idle, reply with a CTS, and transmit BTr until DATA is completely received Sender –On receiving CTS, transmit DATA and BTt both

52 DBTMA + Directional Antennas DBTMA reduces reduction in throughput caused by collisions by hidden terminals Directional antennas can be used to transmit the busy tones directionally –RTS/CTS, DATA, busy tones all may be sent directionally –Trade-offs similar to directional versus omni- directional transmission of RTS/CTS

53 Another Directional MAC protocol [Roychoudhury02mobicom] Derived from IEEE 802.11 (similar to [Takai02mobihoc]) A node listens omni-directionally when idle Sender transmits Directional-RTS (DRTS) towards receiver RTS received in Omni mode (idle receiver in when idle) Receiver sends Directional-CTS (DCTS) DATA, ACK transmitted and received directionally

54 CFABED RTS RTS = Request-to-Send Directional MAC Pretending a circular range for omni X

55 CFABED CTS CTS = Clear-to-Send Directional MAC X

56 CFABED DATA DATA packet follows CTS. Successful data reception acknowledged using ACK. Directional MAC X

57 CFABED ACK Directional MAC X

58 Nodes overhearing RTS or CTS set up directional NAV (DNAV) for that Direction of Arrival (DoA) X D Y C CTS Directional NAV (DNAV)

59 Nodes overhearing RTS or CTS set up directional NAV (DNAV) for that Direction of Arrival (DoA) X Y Directional NAV (DNAV) D C DNAV

60 Directional NAV (DNAV) A B C θ DNAV D New transmission initiated only if direction of transmission does not overlap with DNAV, i.e., if (θ > 0) RTS

61 DMAC Example B C A D E B and C communicate D and E cannot: D blocked with DNAV from C D and A communicate

62 Issues with DMAC Two types of Hidden Terminal Problems –Due to asymmetry in gain C A B Data RTS A’s RTS may interfere with C’s reception of DATA A is unaware of communication between B and C

63 Issues with DMAC Node A beamformed in direction of D CB D A Two types of Hidden Terminal Problems –Due to unheard RTS/CTS Node A does not hear RTS/CTS from B & C

64 Issues with DMAC Node A may now interfere at node C by transmitting in C’s direction CB D A Two types of Hidden Terminal Problems –Due to unheard RTS/CTS

65 Issues with DMAC RTS X does not know node A is busy. X keeps transmitting RTSs to node A AB Using omni antennas, X would be aware that A is busy, and defer its own transmission X Z Y Deafness DATA

66 Issues with DMAC Uses DO links, but not DD links

67 DMAC Tradeoffs Benefits –Better Network Connectivity –Spatial Reuse Disadvantages –Hidden terminals –Deafness –No DD Links

68 Using Training Sequences [Bellofiore2002IEEETrans.Ant.Prop] Training packets used for DoA determination, after RTS/CTS exchange omni-directionally RTS CTS RXTRN TXTRN DATA ACK Sender Receiver

69 Performance depends on the TXTRN and RXTRN delays If direction is known a priori, then these delays can potentially be avoided –But mobility can change direction over time

70 Another Variation [Nasipuri2000WCNC] Similar to 802.11, but adapted for directional antennas Assumptions: –Antenna model: Several directional antennas which can all be used simultaneously –Omni-directional reception is possible (by using all directional antennas together) –Direction of arrival (DoA) can be determined when receiving omni-directionally –Range of directional and omni transmissions are identical

71 Protocol Description Sender sends omni-directional RTS Receiver sends omni-directional CTS –Receiver also records direction of sender by determining the antenna on which the RTS signal was received with highest power level –Similarly, the sender, on receiving CTS, records the direction of the receiver All nodes overhearing RTS/CTS defer transmissions Sender then sends DATA directionally to the receiver Receiver sends directional ACK

72 Discussion Protocol takes advantage of reduction in interference due to directional transmission/reception of DATA All neighbors of sender/receiver defer transmission on receiving omni-directional RTS/CTS  spatial reuse benefit not realized

73 Enhancing DMAC Are improvements possible to make DMAC more effective ? Possible improvements: –Make Use of DD Links –Overcome deafness [Roychoudhury03 – UIUC Tech report under preparation]

74 Using DD Links Exploit larger range of Directional antennas A and C are DD neighbors, but cannot communicate using DMAC Transmit Beam Receive Beam A C

75 Multi Hop RTS (MMAC) – Basic Idea A B C DE F G DO neighbors DD neighbors A source-routes RTS to D through adjacent DO neighbors (i.e., A-B-C-D) When D receives RTS, it beamforms towards A, forming a DD link

76 Impact of Topology Nodes arranged in “linear” configuration reduce spatial reuse 802.11 – 1.19 Mbps DMAC – 2.7 Mbps 802.11 – 1.19 Mbps DMAC – 1.42 Mbps Aggregate throughput A FED BC A BC Power control may improve performance

77 Aligned Routes in Grid

78 Unaligned Routes in Grid

79 “Random” Topology

80 “Random” Topology: delay

81 MMAC - Concerns Neighbor discovery overheads may offset the advantages of MMAC Lower probability of RTS delivery Multi-hop RTS may not reach DD neighbor due to deafness or collision

82 TDMA with Directional Antennas [Bao2002MobiCom] Each node uses multiple beams, and can participate in multiple transmissions simultaneously Link activation schedule determined for each slot, by a priori coordination among the nodes Protocol needs neighborhood information (obtained using periodic broadcasts on a common control channel)

83 Directional MAC: Summary Directional MAC protocols show improvement in aggregate throughput and delay –But not always Performance dependent on topology

84 Routing

85 Routing Protocols Many routing protocols for ad hoc networks rely on broadcast messages –For instance, flood of route requests (RREQ) Using omni antennas for broadcast will not discover DD links Need to implement broadcast using directional transmissions

86 Dynamic Source Routing [Johnson] Sender floods RREQ through the network Nodes forward RREQs after appending their names Destination node receives RREQ and unicasts a RREP back to sender node, using the route in which RREQ traveled

87 Route Discovery in DSR B A S E F H J D C G I K Z Y Represents a node that has received RREQ for D from S M N L

88 Route Discovery in DSR B A S E F H J D C G I K Represents transmission of RREQ Z Y Broadcast transmission M N L [S] [X,Y] Represents list of identifiers appended to RREQ

89 Route Discovery in DSR B A S E F H J D C G I K Z Y M N L [S,E] [S,C]

90 Route Discovery in DSR B A S E F H J D C G I K Node C receives RREQ from G and H, but does not forward it again, because node C has already forwarded RREQ once Z Y M N L [S,C,G] [S,E,F]

91 Route Discovery in DSR B A S E F H J D C G I K Z Y M Nodes J and K both broadcast RREQ to node D N L [S,C,G,K] [S,E,F,J]

92 Route Reply in DSR B A S E F H J D C G I K Z Y M N L RREP [S,E,F,J,D] Represents RREP control message

93 DSR over Directional Antennas [Roychoudhury03PWC, Roychoudhury02UIUC Techrep] RREQ broadcast by sweeping –To use DD links

94 Route Discovery in DSR B A S E F H J D C G I K Z Y M Nodes J and K both broadcast RREQ to node D N L [S,C,G,K] [S,E,F,J]

95 Larger Tx Range Fewer Hop Routes Few Hop Routes Low Data Latency Small Beamwidth High Sweep Delay More Sweeping High Overhead Directional Routing Tradeoffs Broadcast by sweeping

96 Issues Sub-optimal routes may be chosen if destination node misses shortest request, while beamformed Broadcast storm: Using broadcasts, nodes receive multiple copies of same packet F J N J D K D misses request from K Optimize by having destination wait before replying RREP RREQ Use K antenna elements to forward broadcast packet

97 Performance Preliminary results indicate that routing performance can be improved using directional antennas

98 Route discovery latency … Single flow, grid topology (200 m distance) DSR DDSR4 DDSR6

99 Observations Advantage of higher transmit range significant only at higher distance of separation. Grid distance = 200 m --- thus no gain with higher tx range of DDSR4 (350 m) over 802.11 (250 m). –However, DDSR4 has sweeping delay. Thus route discovery delay higher

100 Throughput Sub-optimal routes chosen by DSR because destination node misses the shortest RREQ, while beamformed. DDSR18 DDSR9 DSR

101 Route Discovery in DSR F J D receives RREQ from J, and replies with RREP D misses RREQ from K N J RREP RREQ D K

102 Delayed RREP Optimization Due to sweeping – earliest RREQ need not have traversed shortest hop path. –RREQ packets sent to different neighbors at different points of time If destination replies to first arriving RREP, it might miss shorter-path RREQ Optimize by having DSR destination wait before replying with RREP

103 Routing Overhead Using omni broadcast, nodes receive multiple copies of same packet - Redundant !!! Broadcast Storm Problem Using directional Antennas – can do better ?

104 Use K antenna elements to forward broadcast packet. K = N/2 in simulations Routing Overhead Footprint of Tx  (No. Ctrl Tx)  (Footprint of Tx)  No. Data Packets Ctrl Overhead  =

105 Routing Overhead Control overhead reduces Beamwidth of antenna element (degrees)

106 Mobility Link lifetime increases using directional antennas. –Higher transmission range - link failures are less frequent Nodes moving out of beam coverage in order of packet-transmission-time –Low probability

107 Antenna handoff –If no response to RTS, MAC layer uses N adjacent antenna elements to transmit same packet –Route error avoided if communication re-established [RoyChoudhury02UIUC Techrep] Mobility

108 Aggregate throughput over random mobile scenarios

109 Performance Control overhead Throughput Vs Mobility Control overhead higher using DDSR Throughput of DDSR higher, even under mobility Latency in packet delivery lower using DDSR

110 Observations Randomness in topology aids DDSR. Voids in network topology bridged by higher transmission range (prevents partition) Higher transmission range increases link lifetime – reduces frequency of link failure under mobility Antenna handoff due to nodes crossing antenna elements – not too serious

111 Other Approaches to Routing with Directional Antennas [Nasipuri2000ICCCN] Modified version of DSR Transmit Route Request in the last known direction of the receiver If the source S perceives receiver R to have been in direction d, then all nodes forward the route request from S in direction d.

112 Example 1 B A S E F H J D C G I K Z Y M N L

113 B A S E F H J D C G I K Z Y M N L Route Reply

114 Example 2 B A S E F H J D C G I K Z Y M N L D does not receive RREQ

115 Limited Forwarding Benefit: Limits the forwarding of the Route Request Disadvantage: Effectively assumes that each node has a sense of orientation

116 Routing: Conclusion Directional antennas can improve routing performance But suitable protocol adaptations necessary

117 Conclusion Directional antennas can potentially benefit But also create difficulties in MAC and routing protocol design

118 End of Part 3 Slides to be made available at



121 Chicken and Egg Problem !! DMAC/MMAC part of UDAAN project –UDAAN performs 3 kinds of beam-forming for neighbor discovery –NBF, T-BF, TR-BF –Send neighborhood information to K hops –Using K hop-neighborhood information, probe using each type of beam-form –Multiple successful links may be established with the same neighbor

122 Nodes moving out of beam coverage in order of packet-transmission-time –Low probability Antenna handoff required –MAC layer can cache active antenna beam –On disconnection, scan over adjacent beams –Cache updates possible using promiscuous mode –Evaluated in [RoyChoudhury02_TechReport] Mobility

123 Side Lobes Side lobes may affect performance –Higher hidden terminal problems Node B may interfere at A when A is receiving from C BAC

124 Deafness in 802.11 Deafness 2 hops away in 802.11 C cannot reply to D’s RTS –D assumes congestion, increases backoff ABCD RTS

125 MMAC Hop Count Max MMAC hop count = 3 –Too many DO hops increases probability of failure of RTS delivery –Too many DO hops typically not necessary to establish DD link A B C DE F G DO neighbors DD neighbors

126 Broadcast Several definitions of “broadcast” –Broadcast region may be a sector, multiple sectors –Omni broadcast may be performed through sweeping antenna over all directions [RoyChoudhury02_TechReport] A Broadcast Region

127 DoA Detection Signals received at each element combined with different weights at the receiver

128 Why DO ? Antenna training required to beamform in appropriate direction –Training may take longer time than duration of pilot signal [Balanis00_TechReport] –We assume long training delay Also, quick DoA detection does not make MMAC unnecessary

129 Queuing in MMAC B C DE F G A


131 Impact of Topology Nodes arranged in linear configurations reduce spatial reuse for D-antennas 802.11 – 1.19 Mbps DMAC – 2.7 Mbps 802.11 – 1.19 Mbps DMAC – 1.42 Mbps Aggregate throughput A FED BC A BC

132 Organization 802.11 Basics Related Work Antenna Model MAC Routing Conclusion

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