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Learning Language for Language Teaching a.a. 2015 – 2016 Semester 1 Lesson 2 8/10/15.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Language for Language Teaching a.a. 2015 – 2016 Semester 1 Lesson 2 8/10/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Language for Language Teaching a.a. 2015 – 2016 Semester 1 Lesson 2 8/10/15

2 HOMEWORK week 1 Background Reading: 1. media/kolb/kolb_flash.htm 2. 01.full.pdf+html

3 HOMEWORK (‘cont’d) Begin your Course Booklet – what, how, you Find instructions of ‘running dictation’ activity Written Homework Task 1: What makes a good teacher ?

4 Lesson 2 Lesson plan outline Check homework Semester I overview

5 Semester I The learner The teacher Classroom management and organisation

6 The learner - lessons 2, 3, 4 & 5 The teacher - lessons 6 & 7 The classroom - lessons 8 & 9

7 The teacher The classroom The learner

8 me this room you

9 Lesson 2 Lesson plan outline Check homework Semester I overview Text exploitation

10 Activities

11 “learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience”. Kolb D. A. (1984) Experiential Learning: experience as the source of learning and development New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Activity 1 Remember this?

12 Stages in the cycle


14 Brainstorming

15 Activity 2 Filling in… the gaps

16 Answers to gapfill exercise: 1.aims 2.reflect 3.role 5.experience 6.input 7.twofold 8.understanding 10.lexical

17 Activity 3 Playing around with words

18 1.of in stages there separate the cycle are four Kolb learning there are four separate stages of learning in the Kolb cycle

19 2.learning it that all stages be sequence in for successful to place take is important followed it is important that all stages be followed in sequence for successful learning to take place

20 3. learned being how by a learner passive do not internalise we we have by being a passive learner we do not internalise how we have learned

21 4. on is necessary reflect it to experience to formulate generalisations make and concepts the it is necessary to reflect on the experience to make generalisations and formulate concepts

22 5.action must make link between and learner the the the theory the learner must make the link between the theory and action


24 Activity 4 4 Pieces make a whole Groups of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6

25 The 4 stages of the Kolb cycle 1.Concrete Experience 2.Reflective Observation 3.Abstract Conceptualisation 4. Active Experimentation

26 Activity 5 Here’s the…

27 5 stages of text exploitation 1.Image stimulation 2.Gapfill 3. Word order 4.Memory & retelling 5. Final reading & check

28 Reflection

29 Refelection How do these 5 stages work? What did you learn from these activities? How successful was your group in completing the activities?

30 Lesson 2 Lesson plan outline Check homework Semester I overview Text exploitation Introduction to The Learner The learner

31 The Learner

32 With a partner discuss the following questions: 1.What are the characteristics of a good language learner? 2. What are your own strengths and weaknesses in language learning? 3. What strategies do you employ when you learn a foreign language?

33 Lesson 2 Lesson plan checklist Check homework Semester I overview Text exploitation Introduction to The Learner


35 Course Booklet Entry II – write up today’s lesson what, how, you First, complete the questionnaire on learner characteristics & then read the list of characteristics of good language learners Written Homework Task 2: What sort of learner are you?

36 HOMEWORK (cont’d) Background Reading: James Frith Lessons from Good Language Learners English Language Teaching Journal (2010) 64(1): 113-116 (go to ELTJ via SBA)


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