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get up I get up at ____ o’clock in the morning. I have breakfast at ____ o’clock in the morning. have breakfast.

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Presentation on theme: "get up I get up at ____ o’clock in the morning. I have breakfast at ____ o’clock in the morning. have breakfast."— Presentation transcript:


2 get up I get up at ____ o’clock in the morning.

3 I have breakfast at ____ o’clock in the morning. have breakfast

4 have lunch I have lunch at ____ o’clock.

5 have dinner I have dinner at ____ o’clock in the afternoon.

6 Breakfast, breakfast, I have breakfast. Lunch, lunch, I have lunch. Dinner, dinner, I have dinner.

7 I get up at ____ o’clock in the morning. I have breakfast at ____ o’clock. I have lunch at ____ o’clock. I have dinner at ____ o’clock in the afternoon. Say your schedule ( 说说你的作息时间 )

8 go to school I go to school at____ o’clock.

9 go home I go home at____ o’clock.

10 I go to bed at____ o’clock. go to bed

11 I get up at ____ o’clock in the morning. I have breakfast at ____ o’clock. I go to school at____ o’clock. I have lunch at ____ o’clock. I go home at____ o’clock. I have dinner at ____ o’clock in the afternoon. I go to bed at____ o’clock. Say your schedule ( 说说你的作息时间 )

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