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Organization, Function & Communication

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Presentation on theme: "Organization, Function & Communication"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization, Function & Communication
The Nervous System - 1 Organization, Function & Communication

2 Agenda Communication & Control in the body
Organization of the Nervous System Nervous Tissue Neuron Function Neural Communication

3 Communication & Control in the Body
Two organ systems control all of the other organ systems 1. Nervous system characteristics • Rapid response • Brief duration 2. Endocrine system characteristics • Slower response • Long duration

4 Organization of the Nervous System
Two Anatomical Divisions 1. Central nervous system (CNS) Brain Spinal cord 2. Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Consists of all the neural tissue outside CNS Afferent division (sensory input) Efferent division (motor output) Somatic nervous system Autonomic nervous system

5 Organization of the Nervous System
Structural Organization

6 Functional Organization of the Nervous System
Central Nervous System Information Processing Peripheral Nervous System Flow of sensory information within afferent division Motor commands within efferent division Somatic Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System Parasympathetic Division Sympathetic Division Receptors Effectors Skeletal Muscle Smooth Muscle Cardiac Muscle Glandular & Adipose Tissue Somatic sensory receptors Visceral sensory receptors

7 Nervous Tissue Composition: Two groups of cells 1. Neurons
the functional cell of the nervous system 2. Neuroglia the supporting cells of the nervous system

8 Nervous Tissue Neuron Anatomy Soma dendrites & cell body Axon nucleus
organelles Axon axon hillock axon axon terminal synaptic bulbs (terminal button)

9 Nervous Tissue Structural Classification of Neurons
Classified based on processes off of soma Many = multipolar Two = bipolar One = unipolar/pseudounipolar

10 Nervous Tissue Functional Classification of Neurons Sensory
10 million neurons receive information from sensory receptors Divided into Somatic Sensory Receptors External receptors (exteroceptors) Proprioceptors Visceral Sensory Receptors Internal receptors (interoceptors)

11 Nervous Tissue Functional Classification of Neurons Interneurons Motor
20 billion neurons involved in integrative brain function May be commissural, associative or projection neurons Motor 500,000 motor neurons Divided into somatic and visceral

12 Nervous Tissue Neuroglia – next time!

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