If someone close to you, asked for your help to end their life, what would you say? What would a Christian would say?

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Presentation on theme: "If someone close to you, asked for your help to end their life, what would you say? What would a Christian would say?"— Presentation transcript:

1 If someone close to you, asked for your help to end their life, what would you say? What would a Christian would say?

2 To consider arguments for and against euthanasia, including Catholic teaching To compare & explain different Christian responses to the suffering of the terminally ill Euthanasia means “easy death”. It is the act of killing someone painlessly, especially to relieve suffering from an incurable illness. You can help someone die by -Doing something to them (eg give them poisonous drugs) = ACTIVE euthanasia -Or not doing something they need done (stop food and water) = PASSIVE euthanasia 1.If the person has asked for euthanasia, it is VOLUNTARY. 2. If they did not ask for it, because they couldn’t (they were in a coma) it is NON- VOLUNTARY. 3.If they could have been asked, but were not, it is INVOLUNTARY (murder) 1.Write out the definition of euthanasia. 2.Explain the 2 ways you can cause euthanasia, with examples 3.Explain the difference between voluntary and non-voluntary euthanasia. **Do you agree with both passive and active forms of euthanasia? Explain why. In the UK some passive euthanasia is allowed (turn off life-support machine, or stop food/ water) Also doctors can give strong painkillers even if they will speed up death.

3 Arguments FOR & AGAINST 1.Watch the video then write out the arguments. 2.Write out 2 Catholic & 2 biblical teachings against euthanasia. Label them clearly. 3.What are the alternatives to euthanasia, if someone is suffering and terminally ill ? 4.What is your view? Arguments FOR Arguments AGAINST Church & Bible arguments AGAINST Sanctity of Life – a person’s life has unique value, made in the image of God, and must not be destroyed.

4 The Hospice Movement Vision deliver expert care & pain control, emotional support, guidance. A better life for people and their families living with a terminal illness. To help people make the most of the time they have left together

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