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William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Get to know the Author: William Shakespeare: Born in 1564 – Died in 1616 Father was a glove maker, tradesman,

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Presentation on theme: "William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Get to know the Author: William Shakespeare: Born in 1564 – Died in 1616 Father was a glove maker, tradesman,"— Presentation transcript:

1 William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

2 Get to know the Author: William Shakespeare: Born in 1564 – Died in 1616 Father was a glove maker, tradesman, and bailiff (a mayor in today’s time) Mother came from a prosperous farming family

3 More about the Author… Continued William Shakespeare: At age 18 he married Anne Hathaway They had a daughter Susanna and twins Judith and Hamnet.

4 More About our Author… Continued Willam Shakespeare: By 1594, Shakespeare had joined Lord Chamberlain’s Men Later renamed “The King’s Men” after James I came to power. Shakespeare owned a share of Lord Chamberlian’s Men. He was very successful; therefore, he should have made a good living for his day.

5 More About Our Author… Continued William Shakespeare: During his time, Shakespeare produced and wrote thirty-seven (37) plays.

6 Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is actually a tragedy, despite its romance. It was also taken from an old tale – Shakespeare turned it into a play. It was written sometime between 1594 and 1596. Background: The story of Romeo and Juliet is a play about two young lovers and their romance in the midst of feuding families.

7 Setting: The play is set during the summer of the 1300s (the 14 th Century) in two cities in Northern Italy – Verona and Mantua. Verona, Italy Mantua, Italy

8 Characters: Capulets: Lord Capulet – wealthy nobleman of Verona; enemy to Lord Montague Lady Capulet – his wife Juliet – their daughter; 13 years old Tybalt – Lady Capulet’s nephew; Juliet’s cousin Montagues: Lord Montague – wealthy nobelman of Verona; enemy to Lord Capulet Lady Montague – his wife Romeo – their son Benvolio – Lord Montague’s nephew; Romeo’s cousin and friend

9 More Characters…. Capulets: Old Man – elderly relative of the family Nurse – servant who has cared for Juliet since infancy Peter – the Nurse’s servant Sampson – servant Gregory – servant Montagues: Balthasar – Romeo’s servant Abram – servant

10 More Characters: Chorus – actor who speaks directly to the audience to introduce the play Prince Escalus – ruler of Verona Count Paris – relative of the Prince; suitor to Juliet Mercutio – relative of the Prince; Romeo’s friend Friar Lawrence – Catholic Priest of the order of Franciscans; pharmacist Apothecary – pharmacist in Mantua Friar John – Franciscan Priest Page – servant to Paris

11 Miscellaneous Information: The Capulets and the Montagues were both considered very distinguished families. They were embroiled in a bitter feud with each other. Vendetta – a feud between two families, often ignited by murder and perpetuated by acts of revenge. (These were common during the 1300s) A street fight breaks out between their servants and spurs along the feud. Italian families during this time were very large and often extended to their servants.

12 THE END! Happy Reading…

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