OUR EARTH: AIR, WATER & LAND SVN 3E. The Earth’s Spheres 1. Land (Lithosphere) 2. Water (Hydrosphere) 3. Air (Atmosphere) *** 4. Life (Biosphere) ***

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2 The Earth’s Spheres 1. Land (Lithosphere) 2. Water (Hydrosphere) 3. Air (Atmosphere) *** 4. Life (Biosphere) ***

3 The Earth’s Spheres

4 Or … Why is this a better diagram???

5 1. LAND (Lithosphere)

6 What Do You Think? 1.What makes up “land”? 2.What is the difference between… rock, sand, dirt, soil, and mud ???

7 What is Soil? Naturally occuring, loose material at the surface of the earth, which is capable of supporting plant & animal life.Naturally occuring, loose material at the surface of the earth, which is capable of supporting plant & animal life. SOIL = minerals + nutrients!SOIL = minerals + nutrients!

8 COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Made up of…Made up of… –Mineral content –Air –Water –Organic Matter

9 What is Soil? Ideal Soil Composition OrganicMatter

10 COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Mineral Content:Mineral Content: –Created by the weathering of bedrock at earth’s surface –Type of mineral determines many of soil’s properties (eg. Sand, silt, clay, etc.)

11 COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Mineral Content:Mineral Content:

12 COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Organic Matter:Organic Matter: –1-5% in average farmland –Derived from dead plant and animal matter, broken down by soil organisms –Found mostly in topsoil, major source of nutrients for plants (NPK) –Also helps soil hold water & stay loose

13 COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Water & Air:Water & Air: –Approx. ½ of soil’s volume is made of pore space, which is shared by liquid & gas –Water allows nutrients to be delivered to plant roots –Pores allow access to gases for respiration & allow gas exchange

14 COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Pores also provide space for the living soil communities – necessary for decompositionPores also provide space for the living soil communities – necessary for decomposition The End!!

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