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The Paschal Mystery The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.

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1 The Paschal Mystery The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus

2 Romans 6:23 - “The wages of sin is death.” What is a wage? Something you earn. The consequence of Original Sin, and all sin, is separating ourselves from God. The Incarnation happened to reconcile us with God, but how exactly was this going to take place?

3 Jesus had a choice to make. Jesus knew with his intellect what the options were: to take on all of our sins and so reconcile us to God or to choose to preserve his own life. With his will, he chose to take on all of our sin and in doing so allow us to come back into union with God.

4 Suffering for our benefit What did taking on all of our sin look like? 1.Heartbreak from abandonment and betrayal from his friends. 2.Being publicly mocked and beaten 3.Imprisonment 4.Carrying a heavy cross on his back through the streets of a busy city. 5.Being put to death in one of the most painful ways ever invented. All chosen willingly.

5 How? How could he experience the effects of our failings? Because he was fully human. How could he take all of that on at once? Because he was fully God. Why would he choose to do this? Because he loves us.

6 But that’s not the end of the story (Thankfully!) To his disciples, things did not look good. Their leader and friend was dead. However, on the third day after his death, some of his followers went to his tomb and it was empty! Jesus later appeared to many of his disciples, forgiving them for abandoning him and telling them to spread the Good News that he was alive.

7 So what does this mean for us? It means that one of the primary effects of Original Sin (death) no longer has the final victory. We can be fully united with God again, both in this life and in the next. Not only that, but through Jesus we can attain a level with God that not even our first parents in Original Justice could.

8 Back to our Timeline OJ Original Sin INCARNATION AbrahamIsraelites Divinization: We can have a relationship with God through Jesus that is closer than any friendship you can have on earth!

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