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Presentation on theme: "Parasites."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parasites

2 What is a parasite? Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship between two different organisms. The parasite benefits from a prolonged, close association with the host, which is harmed Many possess special adaptations

3 Tapeworms

4 Tapeworms Up to 35 feet long Lay millions of eggs each day
Attach to the intestines and absorb nutrients from its host

5 Hookworms

6 Hookworms Hookworms enter through the skin and migrate through the bloodstream to the lungs and intestines. They may also be ingested through contaminated food or water. You may have itchiness or redness where the larvae penetrate the skin (most likely your feet). One symptom is craving to eat soil

7 Roundworms

8 Roundworms Here is a staggering statistic: the World Heath Organization reported that about 25% of the world’s population is infected with roundworm. These parasites can grow to 13 inches inside the intestine and can lay as many as 300,000 eggs in a single day Ascaris lumbricoides Partial cause of distented stomachs in starving children

9 Pinworms

10 Pinworms Have you ever been awakened in the middle of the night by an itchy anus? If so you have these little guys. They sneak out at night to lay their eggs on the fertile skin surrounding your anus! Get these nasty little guys from contaminated food

11 Special parasites While all parasites possess special adaptations to be able to survive in their host, some are more bizarre than others…..

12 Candiru

13 Candiru Type of catfish with tiny barbs Usually parasitizes fish gills
Has been known to follow urea trails and swim up the urethra

14 Lamprey’s

15 Lamprey Type of parasitic fish
Attaches to passing fish and feeds on their blood Very specialized mouth parts

16 Filaria Worm

17 Filaria worm, Wuchereria bancrofti
Elephantitis is a disease caused by the parasite Wuchereria bancrofti. This parasite is introduced into the body by a mosquito bite. The parasite will then migrate to the lymphatic system. The parasite does not cause any direct harm to the host; it is the side effects of the infestation that cause the damage. Elephantiasis is the result of the parasites blocking the lymphatic ducts. With the lymphatic ducts blocked, the lymph fluid does not circulate well and will accumulate, causing swelling.

18 Filaria worm, Wuchereria bancrofti
filarial worm embryos living underneath the skin can sense the onset of night, which is their cue to head upward to the skin’s surface in order to increase their chances of being picked up by a passing mosquito But not all organism negatively affect their host:

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