Leader approach in 2007 – 2013 in SR Jela Tvrdoňová
Slovak rural areas, what we are speaking about? No official definition But: 85% of the total surface of the SR 48% of the total population SR 95,2% of the total number of villages: out of 2883
Why we need the integrated rural development in the SR (SAU Nitra, typology of rural areas /OECD/ )
Why we need the integrated rural development in the SR (SÚ SAV – regional study, 2004)
Current instruments for RD – „de facto“ horizontal Horizontal, national coverage and create the equal starting line for all in spite of various socio- economic, geographical and natural conditions in particular regions Intervene on the project level rather that on local program level The beneficiary is one subject defined by law Local development program can use these sources only in very unsustainable way Example – SAPARD program, Sector operational program for agriculture and rural development, Plán for rural development
How these instruments behaved in regions? And how they supported rural areas? Program SAPARD: Western Slovakia: 466 supported projects (60%), in volume tis.EUR (58%) Middle Slovakia: 146 supported projects (19%), in volume tis. EUR (22%) Eastern Slovakia: 166 supported projects (21%), in volume tis. EUR (20%)
How these instruments behaved in regions? And how they supported rural areas? Sector Operational Program SOP PRV: Western Slovakia: 599 supported projects (55,3%), in volume tis. Eur (60,1%), MIddle Slovakia: 252 supported projects (23,2%), in volume tis. Eur (20,2%) Eastern Slovakia: 232 supported projects (21,5%), in volume tis. Eur (19,6%)
Reasons? East and central Slovakia absorbed less, because:: Not enough beneficiaries Those existing are doing business in less favourable socio-economic and geographical conditions Do not coply with strickt national socio-economic criteria No able to take loan Not able or do not want to coply with general conditions within their specific context
Need for the instruments to support area based integrated development instrument In order to improve the situation we need the instrument to support the integrated, area based/endogeneous rural development approach
What does it mean – integrated rural development? Principles Inovative approach towars rural development Needs, problems and solutions are in hands of local people - „Bottom up“ Natural identification of the territory Intersector partnership – local action group in Leader Participation Interactiv approach – experts with people rather than for people Integrated approach – all areas of life Strategic approach – long-term wise and sustainable programming of the development Preferable use of local reasources Suitable instruments
What does it mean – integrated rural development? Sustainability in all aspects Decisions are in hands of local people and they are in line with investments Strengthen civil society – responsibilty for development lies on many more people Investments in order: – 1.builodng capacities, 2. public goods, 3. private investments
4 main Axes of new RD policy Competitiveness of agriculture and forestry Environment and landscaping Broad rural development – quality of life and diversification LEADER approach
Base of the new RD policy Rural development LEADER CompetitivenessEnvironments Quality of life and diversification Single program, financing, monitoring and audit Single fund
LEADER measures Implementation of local development strategies in order to achieve one or all objectives of all thematic axes Interterritorial and transnational cooperation Building capacities and running of local action groups
LEADER beneficiary Local action group – LAG: – inhabitants Comprehensive rural region Socio-economic homogenity Multisector partnership – three sectors, in decisive body no more than 50% from public sector Local development strategy prepared Implementation rules prepared Official registration within the national legislation/statute - Established in accordance with the Civil association law No 83/1990 LAG selcted by the MoA.
The overall framework in RDP 2,9% of the RDP budget for Axis 4 – 72 MEUR 56 MEUR for 25 local development strategies In average 2,08 MEUR per strategy for years of its implementation
Selection procedure Future LAG could use own or public money for preparation of localdevelopment strategies and aquisition of skills Two rounds of application process – 2008 and 2010 Alltogether 29 LAGs selected,1st round – 15, 2nd round – 14 More or less equal distribution among regions
Selection procedure Each application and local development strategy evaluated by 2 external evaluators – ranking – compulsory criteria and qualitative criteria Evaluation committee, - proposal for selection of LAGs Final decision in hands of the minister
Implementation of local development strategies Contract with the paying agency and official status Call for proposals- for final strategy beneficiaries Collection, evaluation and selection of projects Announcement to paying agency Projects being checked for eligibility by paying agency Final approval of projects by paying agency, contracting, implementing, monitoring, Evaluation of strategy implementation, possible mid-term adjustmenst
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