Acyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases Ajami GH. Professor of Pediatrics. Pediatric Cardiology Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Objectives: The student should achieve the following abilities at the end of the course 1.To describe and draw the pathological defects of common non-cyanotic CHD diseases 2.To know and explain the pathophysiological basis and hemodynamic changes for each lesion 3.To be able to discuss which cardiac chamber of chambers are affected (enlarged or hypertrophied) by each lesion 4. To explain how and when some patients developed Eisenmenger syndrome 5.To appreciate the role of PE, chest X-ray and ECG and Echo for diagnosis of CHD. 6.To know different modalities of surgical and non-surgical (interventional)treatment of common non-cyanotic CHD
Outline -Introduction -Left to right shunts -Obstructive lesions -Regurgitant lesions -Miscellanous
Systemic-Pulmonary Shunts -Congenital anomalies causing intra or extra cardiac shunting of blood