Topic: French Exploration Main Idea: When the French established a presence in Texas, it forced Spain to renew its interest in the area.


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Presentation transcript:

Topic: French Exploration Main Idea: When the French established a presence in Texas, it forced Spain to renew its interest in the area.

Essential Questions: How did the contributions of European explorers and settlers impact Texas? What happens when cultures come into contact with each other?

The French Challenge Spanish Claims a. In the early 1600s, France established the colony of Quebec in Canada. b i. France sent explorer Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle to challenge Spain’s claims to land in and around Texas. ii. La Salle was the first European to navigate the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. iii. He claimed all the land draining into this river for King Louis XIV, naming it Louisiana. iv. He returned to France with plans for a French colony at the mouth of this river.


The French Challenge Spanish Claims c i. He took 4 ships with 280+ colonists to settle the Louisiana colony. ii. One ship was captured by Spanish pirates, while the others were separated in a storm. *How many ships are still left? iii. As a result, he missed the mouth of the Mississippi River and sailed southwest landing ashore at Matagorda Bay, Texas!

La Salle’s Success a. La Salle’s Success: i. La Salle built a stockade—an enclosure of posts to form a defense, on the banks of a small river. ii. This outpost becomes known as Fort St. Louis.

An Artists’ Drawing of Fort St. Louis

La Salle’s Failures b. La Salle’s Failures: i. One ship wrecks upon landing, another leaves, and the last one crash lands on a sandbar. ii. Also, Fort St. Louis had failed crops, colonists are dying from starvation, disease, and fighting with the Karankawa natives.

La Salle’s 2 nd Expedition c. La Salle’s Second Expedition i. In need of help, he leads a small group to search for the Mississippi River. ii. His goal is to travel north to Canada and find help at French settlements there. iii. He ventures into east Texas (some say near Navasota) and is later murdered by his own men (they were fed up!) iv. Some of these men made it to Quebec and eventually back to France.

La Salle Statues in Texas Indianola, Texas (near Matagorda Bay) Navasota, Texas (where they claim he was killed)

What happened to Fort St. Louis? d. The Fate of Fort St. Louis i. Overall, the French colony fails as a settlement. ii. Some colonists are taken hostage (but later adopted) by the Karankawas, while most are killed.

French Flag Over Texas e. Result of La Salle’s Effort i. The French NEVER successfully settle Texas, but claim it for France anyway! ii. La Salle’s efforts shifted the focus of Spanish interest from western Texas to eastern Texas. New Spain also renewed efforts to explore the northern Gulf shore.

i.Fun Fact: Later in 1803, the U.S. government tries to claim that Texas should be part of the “Louisiana Purchase” since it was claimed by France in the late 1600s!