Welcome February Cohort Meeting Sign in (not case sensitive)


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome February Cohort Meeting Sign in (not case sensitive)

Cohorts Cohorts February, 2015 Hot Topics Discussion- CSTP 6 Mid-Year Survey- coming soon EdTech Session sign up Winter Review- if not already scheduled, please talk to your Lead Support Provider tonight Announcements Sign in (not case sensitive)

Professional Expectations IUSD Values If it is ok for your students to do, then it’s ok for you to do in IUSD sessions Use technology appropriately Listen & participate Be on time… Behave… Sign in

Hot Topics… Last call…

Feedback January Meeting Feedback Upcoming Meetings – Language Minorities – Mental Health – Student Safety

Winter Review What will it look like? What is the timeline? What will be reviewed? How do I sign up? Where? What will I need? Flash drive Support Provider January 12 th – February 27 th 40 minutes Watch for sign up genius via PT will sign up with input from SP Your school site Neutral site El Camino Training Center Use the Winter Review Checklist as a reference It is about the professional discussion… Year 2 PTs? Support Providers? Advice?

ModuleE Module E Questions? What’s next? – When planning the IIP, consider what CSTPs need more evidence – Consider where you placed yourself on the Continuum of Teaching Practice Induction Standard 7 – Education Specialists only

Generations Identify preconceived notions of all generations Carousel Walk Share with whole group How to relate… Use the worksheet to identify how to best collaborate and work together

F ormative A ssessment for C alifornia T eachers A.Context for Teaching A.Context for Teaching B.Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice B.Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice  Part I  Part II C.Inquiry D.Summary of Teaching Practice E.Self Assessment  Part I  Part II You are here!

MODULE C Inquiry into Teaching & Learning Purpose: Module C provides Participating Teachers with the opportunity to explore and improve upon on specific aspect of their teaching practice in depth.

Individual Induction Plan (IIP) Module C- STEPs ONE & TWO

STEP THREE Essential Components for Instruction (C-2) I.Essential Components for Instruction (C-2) II.Entry-Level Assessment (C-3) III.Focus Student Selection (C-4) IV.Lesson Plan Template for Observation (C-5) Not Optional During this step in the inquiry process, participating teachers will identify three focus students and document how instruction is differentiated and student achievement is monitored, throughout the inquiry process. PTs will develop a unit, which will include a minimum of 3 lessons.


STEP FOUR Observation I.Pre-Conference (C-2, C-5, C-4) II.SP Observation (C-6) III.SP Observation Analysis (C-7) IV.Post-Observation Conversation (C-6, C-7, C-8, C-1 cells 6-9) SPs observe their PTs. Differentiation of instruction for focus students should be documented student achievement data collected, and teacher/student interactions identified.

CSTPs- completed by PT

STEP FIVE Summative Assessment I.Summative Assessment (C-9) – Review the summative assessment (C-9) – Sort student responses into levels of performance II.Summative Assessment Reflection (C-10) – Participating Teachers reflect upon the following: Learning goals and outcomes Learning goals and outcomes Focus student progress Focus student progress Next Steps Next Steps At the conclusion of the lesson series, a summative assessment is given to all students. Participating Teachers, with Support Providers, analyze the work of three focus students and the whole class, in order to determine student performance levels.

POTENTIAL PROBLEMS Number of students must match (within 1-2 students) Same information must be assessed Student data will be collected for the 2 nd Review If the class scores high at the beginning, then PT may: use an appropriate assessment only assess struggling students Identify absent students

Don’t give up…

Collaboration Take advantage of this time to… cohort lead Seek help from your cohort lead colleagues Collaborate with colleagues Support Provider Work with your Support Provider… – Work on your IIP – Plan out Module C – Schedule the final observation (C-6)

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