Hyostrongylus rubidus ( 猪 圆线虫 ) 07 动物医学 1 班 陈洪强 陈小杰 王智翔.


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Presentation transcript:

Hyostrongylus rubidus ( 猪 圆线虫 ) 07 动物医学 1 班 陈洪强 陈小杰 王智翔

Introduction Class : Trichostrongylidae( 毛圆科 ) Hyostrongylus (猪圆线虫属) Host : swine ( particular piggy ) Burrow into the stomach mucosa (黏 膜)

Morphology Red and less than 10 mm long Can see by naked eyes Have common morphology with the other nematodes Unisexual (雌雄异体)


Epidemiology The L3 larvae can climb the damp,moist leather or other environment. All the pigs can be infected in each age level. The piglet (哺乳仔猪) were mainly infected.

Life cycle ( a ) Infective larvae are taken in by the mouth and enter the stomach lining forming nodules. ( b ) become adults and spawning. ( c ) the eggs were carried out and Continue to infecte

Pathogenesis Burrow into the stomach mucosa and cause some irritation constituting a catarrhal gastritis (卡他性胃炎) In severe cases, a yellow pseudomembrane (伪膜) forms and deep ulcers may be present. (形成胃溃 疡)

Symptoms Inflammation (gastritis). (胃炎) Heavy infections cause anaemia. (贫 血) poor growth rates, loss of condition, thin sows and occasional episodes of diarrhoea (腹泻). Sometimes sows develop bleeding gastric ulcers which lead to melena. (黑粪便)

Diagnosis a. Fecal egg exams. Because they almostindistinguishable from Oesophagostomum (线虫) eggs , so should cultivate (培养) the larve to L3 period. b. Necropsy. (剖检) a definitive diagnosis can be made only finding both the worms and pathogenic (致病的) evidence of gastritis on necropsy.

Control Keep the environment dry and clean. Use medicine : a. levamisole (左咪唑); po or im b. ivermectin (伊维菌素); po or H c. abamectin (阿维菌素) po or H Etc.

Reference 李国清. 兽医寄生虫学(双语版). 中国农业大学出版社 英国国际猪网 stomach-worms-hyostrongylus-rubidushttp:// stomach-worms-hyostrongylus-rubidus 美国塔斯基吉大学网 athology/parasitology/chapter13.html athology/parasitology/chapter13.html