Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? Places of interest amusement park aquarium water park zoo space museum.


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Unit9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?
Presentation transcript:

Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?

Places of interest amusement park aquarium water park zoo space museum

Have you ever been to an amusement park? No, I haven’t. No, I have never been to the amusement park. Yes, I have. How many times have you been there? I’ve been there for three times. 基本 句型

The Palace Museum Oral Practice Have you ever been to the Palace Museum?

Listening Practice( choose T or F ) Conversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3 Tina went to the space museum last year. John has never been to the space museum. They are going to take the subway. Linda has been to the aquarium. Linda went to the zoo three times last year. Linda is going to the zoo again next week. Harvey had a great time at Water World. Harvey’s friend has never been to Water World. Harvey and his friend are going inline skating. T T T F T F F T T

Writing examples: I have _____to the water park for three times. I first _____there in I went boating and _____ water games there. I think it’s _____ interesting place. We can go there _____ time. been went played an next

Homework I have ever been to… 把上面的题目补充完整,以此为题写一篇 作文。 要写清这个地方的特色,吸引你的地方 文章语句要通顺,意思连贯。 注意单词拼写和词语搭配 字数不少于 60 words.

Huis Ten Bosch

Writing examples: I have been to the water park for three times. I first went there in I went boating and played water games there. I think it’s an interesting place. We can go there next time.

Go through the passage of 3a on Page 70 and decide the statements true or false 1.( F ) Huis Ten Bosch is an amusement park in Holland. 2.( T )The restaurant have famous food from Holland. 3.(F )The park has many modern trains, buses and taxis. 4.( F )You may run in the park if you want to exercise. 5.( T )You can enjoy the European culture in the museums. 6. ( T )Most of the animals in the zoo are from South America.

Task 1 Survey Space Museum AquariumAmuseme nt park Water park Zhang Ming

I think English is

Flight attendant

A tour guide

Task 3. Find a way out of learning English.

介绍一些阅读技巧。 1. 根据文章标题预测文章的主要意思。 Eg. Have you ever been to Holland? 2. 处理生词: 1 )提取首字母大写的单词:人名及地名 eg1 You should go to Huis Ten Bosch. 从文章结构和首字母大写来看,这一定是地名。 Eg 2 All the houses look like houses in Holland. 这也是个地名。 2 )利用句子结构来猜测词义 eg.You can rent a bicycle if you want to get some exercise. “rent” 这个词没有学过,但是可以通过该句字 的结构,上下文判断此时不时发生在商店,不存在买的意思,以此 该词义是租的意思。 3 )根据上下文来猜测词义 (snow globes) Eg. Snow globes are a kind of very popular gift. Snow globes 的意思是一种礼品。 3. 归纳总结 — 通过对文章的意思整体的归纳,总结而得出结论。 4. 带着问题去阅读,便于提高阅读速度. 先看问题,再作重点阅读。 5.. 如何准确的选出答案 a. 识字得分 — 在文章中直接找答案。 b. 判断推理 — 通过提示信息来完成。 Questions: How long have you been learning English? Have you ever been to an English-speaking country? Have you ever spoken to a native speaker? When did you start? Why do you learn it? How do you learn English? How often do you attend a after school club?….

questionnaire Name Studying English for When and why English-speaking countries visit When Reason for learning English What( like) What (job)

1 、 What does Mei Shan do? 2 、 How long has she had the job? 3 、 Why did she want the job? 4 、 How long did she study English? 5 、 What kind of job does Joseph want? 6 、 Has he ever been to an English-speaking country? 7 、 How long has he been studying at the school? 8 、 What other job is he thinking of doing?