How do you read? Time for reading 2012 浙江 C (6 min)


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Presentation transcript:

How do you read?

Time for reading 2012 浙江 C (6 min)

What information can be ignored? Group Work

略读或不读的内容: a. 中心句的扩展句(如举例子等) b. 具体介绍 ( 人物身份或某一地点) c. 修饰成分(定语从句、补语) d. 消息源( according to 后的内容)

重点阅读: ( 1 )文章的首尾段,表明全文的主要内容。 ( 2 )每一段的首尾句,点明段落主旨。

skimming organization of the paras important sentences main points main idea Step Skimming( 略读 )

50. This article is mainly about _________. D. how to deal with school conflicts 53.The writer’s purpose for writing this article is to____. C. advocate teaching conflict management in schools why aren’t students taught to manage conflict the way they are taught to solve math problems, drive cars, or stay physically fit? ( last sentence in Para 1) In that way, conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country. ( last sentence in the last para)

Tip 1 主旨题解题方法 : 注意主旨出现的位置 Step Skimming ( 略读 ) 开头 结尾 开头 + 结尾

A report on violence among middle school and high school students indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor insult ( 侮辱 ). 51.From Paragraph 2 we can learn that_______. B. a small conflict can lead to violence A report indicates incidentsbegin with insult

Tip 2 长句理解方法: 找出句子主干 Step Skimming ( 略读 ) 主语 谓语 宾语

A child-like robot, Wakamaru, developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan and combining the roles of nurse, companion and security guard, will soon be in the market to look after the growing number of old people with no one to look after them. 67. What is the best title for the passage? A.The Latest Development of Robot B.Japanese Robot and the Aging Society C. Vast Market of the New Robot D. Japanese-built Robot to Help the Old robot, will soon be in the market

定位词是一个标志,根据定位词找到题目所问的 问题在原文所对应的信息。 Step Locating words (定位词)

常见的关键词有: a. 数字 b. 日期 c. 专有名词(人名、地名、国名等首字母大写的单 词或词组) d. 生词、长词(尤其是带连字符的单词) e. 比较级、最高级等 Step Locating words (定位词)

63 . According to the passage, which of the following could be the best trigger? A . Temperature change B . NIR light . C . Acidity change . D . UV light . 64 . Why is ONB unsatisfactory? A . It breaks down when it absorbs NIR light . B . It falls off the polymer and triggers drug release . C . It has not come onto the market up till now . D . It is not effective enough and could be poisonous . 江苏 2012 高考 C 篇 Step Locating words (定位词)

scanning words codes find locating words Step Scanning( 寻读)

Time for reading (2012 江苏高考 C ) ( 5 min )

skimming locating words scanning

Time for reading (2013 江苏高考 D )

1. Be confident and active in reading 2. Form a habit of reading

You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success! -- Charles Chaplin