Project Retrospective Team FancyPants
What is CyteSee? Idea
CyteSee is… An extensible product family designed for the Android mobile platform to aid in walking tours, allowing the user to navigate to coordinates and display information about each stop.
Basic idea: User selects a tour from dropdown menu and selects “Go!” User selects location from Tour List CyteSee guides user to location via Map and GPS Upon physical arrival to location, CyteSee will display relevant information about the location on a GeoPage User is then able to select another location to travel to and repeat the process
What does it do? Commonalities and Variabilities
Commonalities GPS Point to Point Navigation Client/Server communication Action Zones
Variablities Platforms Currently only Android Different Tours GeoPage Features Picture Information headers and content Relevant link Address Phone Number
How is it all put together? Architecture
System Overview Application UI Generator Client / Server communications Google Maps interface
Phone User Interface Generators Client Side Server Side Google Maps
Client / Server Centralized server hosting a database MongoDB Save, store, and retrieve Java objects as JSON strings Android mobile devices as http clients for database communication HTTP request from server GSON library to translate JSON strings back into objects
Google Maps interface Extra API supplied by Google to interface with Google Maps servers Uses phone’s built in GPS to determine user’s location Displays map, current location, and destination
Application UI User interface for CyteSee application Written for Android using Java and XML layouts Designed for simplicity and ease of use Intuitive design, no confusing extras
How do we make a CyteSee product? Product Generation
Video Demonstration What does it look like?
How well did we do? Project Measures
Participation Rubric 1Very Poor Does not respond to (s) Does not attend meeting(s) Fails to turn in artifact(s) 2Poor May attend meetings but does not participate or turn in artifacts or vice versa When artifacts are turned in they are often late without forewarning 3Fair Attends meetings Does not turn in artifact on time, but provides ample warning and communicates the problem. 4Good Attends meetings Turns in artifacts/finishes assignments Communicates openly 5Great Attends meetings Turns in artifacts/finishes assignments Communicates openly Goes above and beyond
Met Deadlines
How did we do? In Retrospect
What would we do differently? Start coding earlier Communicate better Begin use of IRC earlier More structured research Time management Structured deadlines Set more granular goals More relevant documentation
What would we do the same? IRC Bi-weekly meetings Dropbox Android Project scope Keeping down feature creep