Introduction Fourth year as Principal of Downey Adult School – CAP 2300 AB 23 – Year 1 (03-04 & 04-05) ~ $146,000 – Year 2 (05-06) ~ $218,000 – Year 3 (06-07) ~$460,000 (I hope!) – Current Year – Projected 850 ADA Over “Rolling the dice”
Quick Census Questions How many schools applied for additional ADA in the fiscal year and received up to ADA? How many schools this year applied for additional ADA? CDE impression is that a lot more schools applied this year. - Recession
AGENDA Background of AB23 2 Mechanisms of AB23 - Redistribution of $ - Reallocation of ADA Look at Results of AB 23 What’s Future of AB 23 Questions
Background AB Resolve Audits 2. Redistribute unused money from previous fiscal year 3. Reallocate unused ADA 4. Help out schools less than 100
What AB 23 Removed Deleted Ed Code : Law required the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop criteria to identify programmatic areas of adult education that are in need of expansion and affords a school district an opportunity to apply for additional units of adult education average daily attendance to meet the needs.
General Audit Section The bill would also make specified school districts ineligible for an authorized limit of adult education ADA for apportionment purposed for the and fiscal years. This portion completed.
$ Redistribution If the funds available exceed the amount needed to fund “schools earned ADA”, the Superintendent shall allocate those excess funds on a one-time basis to school districts operating adult education programs that have exceeded its number of units of authorized adult education ADA served by each school district that year.
$ Redistribution - Cont. The Superintendent may not allocate an amount of funds to a school district that exceeds the total number of units authorized adult education ADA served by the school district multiplied by the appropriate funding rate per unit of ADA.
$ Redistribution Data Remember – this is money from unused ADA from prior year left there by schools that did not make CAP. Fiscal YearFunding LevelUnused Funds 03-04$561.28/ADA$ $ /ADA$ $ /ADA (Full)~$12 Million 06-07Feb. 08
Mechanism for ADA Reallocation Commencing in the fiscal year, and in each fiscal year thereafter, the Superintendent shall,... adjust the allocation of apportionment as follows... Four Groups: 1. School that did not make CAP 2. Schools <100 ADA and exceeded or met cap 3. Schools > 100 ADA and exceeded or met cap 4. Audit Schools
Mechanism for ADA Reallocation Prior to any ADA Reallocation all schools get 2.5% growth whether they made cap or not. The Superintendent may not perform adjustments pursuant that result in a total statewide apportionment of units of authorized adult education ADA that exceeds the amount funded in the annual Budget Act.
Mechanism for ADA Reallocation ADA reallocated is the ADA removed from schools that did not make cap from the two previous school years. So at P1 what ever ADA is reduced from schools that did not make CAP is put in a pool for schools that exceeded CAP for two years. A school district that receives the extra ADA shall provide CTE courses that is equal to the percentage of ADA of adults attending those courses in the prior three fiscal years without regard to units of authorized adult education ADA added from the redistribution.
Mechanism for ADA Reallocation – Schools below CAP For school districts operating an adult education program that failed to serve its units of authorized adult education ADA for the school district in two prior fiscal years, the units of authorized adult education ADA shall be reduced by an amount equal to one-half of the lowest level of unearned ADA in either of the two fiscal years.
ADA Reduction Data Fiscal year# of Schools that did not make CAP Amount of ADA Reduced & & 06-07Feb. 08
Mechanism for ADA Reallocation - Small School For school districts operating an adult education program with fewer than 100 ADA,..., which served or exceeded its adult education ADA authorized limit in the prior two years, the Superintendent shall grant to the school districts up to 30 additional units of ADA upon the request of the district.
Mechanism for ADA Reallocation - Small School cont. A school district that receives additional ADA many not exceed 100 total units. If available units are insufficient to provide the adjustment, the school district shall receive a prorated amount, relative to the units of authorized ADA of the school district.
Mechanism for ADA Reallocation – Bigger Schools For school districts operating an adult education program with 100 or more units of ADA, which served or exceeded its authorized adult education ADA for the school district in the two prior fiscal years, the school district shall receive a prorated amount of units available...
ADA Reallocation Data Fiscal Year# of schools that requested ADA # of School eligible for ADA Maximum ADA Small School Maximum ADA Bigger School ADA36.75 ADA Feb ADAFeb. 08
Future of AB 23 Will bad state budget affect AB 23? How much money will be left on the table in ? How will recently proposed legislation affect AB 23? Is a flat rate of ADA redistribution (36.75) the intent of the bill?
Future of AB 23 Is there a way to get the data sooner so we can plan better? Are there tweaks to AB23 that should be put in place? - Fund above B.R.L.