Do you have any unforgettable adventurous experiences ? What adventures do you want to experience?


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Presentation transcript:

Do you have any unforgettable adventurous experiences ? What adventures do you want to experience?

take a journey deep into _____ space

take a journey to the _____ _______ be pulled into a ______ _____ solar system black hole

survive an air _____ crash

take an _______ trip undersea

take part in ____ ________ ____ down the most difficult mountain car racing ski

meet ___ _ ____ with a dinosaur face to face

What are three times and three places you can visit at Futuroscope? Three times: past, present and future Three places: earth, bottom of the sea and space What are three times and three places you can visit at Futuroscope? Three times: past, present and future Three places: earth, bottom of the sea and space

Futuroscope ---- Excitement and Learning ExcitementLearning

Fast reading: Read the passage quickly and complete the main idea for each paragraph. Para1: _______ I ____ at Futuroscope Para2: A general ___________ of the park Para3: General __________ about ____ to visit the park What did description information how

Careful reading Read para. 1 carefully and find out activities in Futuroscope. Para 1. what I did at Futuroscope activities Last week …space, …solar system…black hole Then… Brazil…experienced…in the jungle After that,…joined divers and ….ocean to see…creatures… For a break, …car racing …skied down… mountains… I ended... meeting… with a dinosaur Last week Then After For a break ended space ocean mountains Para. 1 is written in ___order. time Brazil

Futuroscope ---- Excitement and Learning underseajungle Hands-on learning Scientific experiments Knowledge of, and Learning Para.2 solar system Excitement How can the visitors get close to

The theme of the park is ________ and __________. science technology

Para 3. General information about how to visit the park. Futuroscope tickets transportation other preparation people buy tickets at the park’s entrance book online individuals class or large groups shuttle service to the park If driving,...within easy reach of the freeway plan your trip well…. wear sneakers or other walking shoes

Suppose your friend is still hesitating whether to visit the Futuroscope or not. Be ready to make a role play to persuade him/her to. Post reading Requirements: 1) theme 2) description 3) activities You can begin like this: Would like to take the journey into the sea/space? The Futuroscope is a good choice….

Since you have known a lot about the Futuroscope, please write down an introduction of the park. Writing structure Para.1short introduction catch other’s attention Para.2 Para.3 three activities Most important part great for both adults and children Welcome to Futuroscope! it is a….park, which is based on… people from all over the world come to enjoy… If you ask which activity I like most, I must tell you…(reasons) Besides, another most attractive activity is…, …(reasons).Do you want to be an scientist? Your dream can come true here. In learning centers… Generally speaking, it is a prefect place for both adults and children.There is something for everyone: first….(excitement) secondly,…( learning) Futuroscope is waving to you, just join us!

宋城是中国第一个最大的以宋朝生活和文化为特点的 的主题公园, 1996 年对游客开放。 这个以文化为基础的 主题公园用最先进的技术向游客们提供了古代生活的全 新体验。城里的每个区块都是模仿宋朝的生活。游客们 可以走近宋朝生活和习俗,也可以了解到更多的宋朝文 明。宋城的口号是 “ 给我一天,还你千年 ! ” 宋城肯定是一 个令人难忘的学习和娱乐的旅游景点。 _______ in 1996, Song Dynasty Town is __________ in Hangzhou, featuring ______________ of Song Dynasty. The culture-based theme park uses _____________ to provide _________ to visitors. Every area of the town ____________________. Visitors can ____________ as well as ________________ Sony Dynasty civilization. The slogan is “____________________!” The Town is surely ______________________.

Opened in 1996, Song Dynasty Town is the first largest theme park in Hangzhou, featuring life and culture of Song Dynasty. The culture-based theme park uses the most advanced technology to provide brand new experiences of ancient life style to visitors. Every area of the town is modelled after life of ancient days. Visitors can get close to life and customs of Song Dynasty as well as learn more about Sony Dynasty civilization. The slogan is “One day in Song Dynasty Town for a thousand years into history!” The Town is surely a unforgettable tourist attraction for learning and amusement.

杭州乐园是中国华东地区最大的游乐园之一, 2009 年对游客开 放。 这个以游乐为基础的主题公园用最先进的技术向游客们提供 兴奋和开心的全新体验。园内的古街是模仿古时越国的风格。游 客们可以走近古时的生活和习俗,参观范蠡庙和西施庙去了解更 多历史故事。杭州乐园肯定是一个学习和娱乐的绝佳旅游景点. 游客可以在乐园入口处购票,也可以网上购票。 团队提前预约 还可以获得团队优惠票价。附近的酒店多数都提供到达乐园的巴 士。如果开车,乐园离高速公路也很近。 ________ in 2009, Hangzhou Amusement Park is one of ______________________ in East China. The amusement-based theme park uses _____________________________ to provide ____________________________________________ to visitors. The ancient town area ________________ ancient Yue Country. Visitors can _________________________________ as well as _______________ in honour of Fan Li and Xi Shi to ___________ about the historical stories. Hangzhou Amusement Park is surely ___________________________________________. Opened the largest theme parks the most advanced technology brand new experiences of excitement and fun is modelled after get close to ancient life and customs learn more a perfect tourist attraction for fun and learning visit the temples

游客可以在乐园入口处购票,也可以网上购票。 团队提 前预约还可以获得团队优惠票价。附近的酒店多数都提供到 达乐园的往返巴士。如果开车,乐园离高速公路也很近。 Visitors can buy the tickets ____________________, and tickets __________________. Large groups that book the tickets ___________ can get ________________________. Most of the hotels nearby provide ________________ to the park. If driving, the theme park is ___________________ the freeway. at the park’s entrance are available online in advance the group admission rate a shuttle service within easy reach of