Basic Awareness Safeguarding training Level 2


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Presentation transcript:

Basic Awareness Safeguarding training Level 2 Safeguarding training for Designated Senior Leads with a responsibility for safeguarding children to deliver to staff within primary and secondary schools

Aims To develop awareness of, and the ability to act on, concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people To develop an understanding of what legislation underpins how we safeguard children in schools

Learning outcomes By the end of the training you should be able to:   Recognise your role in safeguarding children from harm, abuse and exploitation. Define and understand the different categories of abuse Be clear about how you should respond to a child who makes a disclosure of possible abuse and who can support you with this. Identify situations when you or a child might be vulnerable and act upon them.

What is safeguarding? Protecting children from maltreatment Preventing impairment of children's health or development Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Safeguarding: Our role Safeguarding children is the action we all should take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.

Education Act 2002 Schools and further education institutions have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils under the Education Act 2002. They should create and maintain a safe learning environment for children and young people, and identify where there are child welfare concerns and take action to address them, in partnership with other organisations where appropriate.

Safeguarding Child Protection Anti Bullying Policies Staff Conduct Curriculum Safeguarding Attendance Managing Allegations Against Staff Behaviour Management Use this diagram to demonstrate that safeguarding covers more than just child protection. Safeguarding umbrella Ask for examples from the participants of how each area helps to safeguard children e.g: staff conduct; safe practice for the safety of staff and pupils curriculum; providing opportunities for pupils to learn about keeping safe (i.e. via Warrington LEA’s ‘self-protect’ project) managing allegations against staff; following procedures which protect staff and children building design; keeping any unwanted visitors out of school safe recruitment and selection; particularly topical in light of the Soham tragedy whistle blowing; to raise concerns about a colleague’s conduct, see Warrington Borough Council’s whistle blowing policy health and safety; a safe environment behaviour management; having clear strategies and consistent responses for managing behaviour attendance; so we know that our pupils are safe when they are absent anti-bullying policies; help to promote positive behaviour in staff and pupils Whistleblowing Health and Safety Building Design Safe Recruitment and Selection

You are part of the safeguarding jigsaw

The Role of the Designated Senior Lead (DSL) I take the lead responsibility for dealing with safeguarding and child protection in school. I act as a source of support, advice and expertise within school when deciding whether to make a referral by liaising with relevant agencies. I recognise how to identify signs of abuse and when it is appropriate and how to make a referral to Social Care. The person who all staff come to with issues and for support Massive role – senior leader in school Signposting and key relationships with multi agencies essential

The Role of the DSL The DSL provides whole school staff safeguarding training, recommended on a yearly basis. The DSL is aware of the WSCB and how it operates The DSL often attends child protection case conferences and understands how to contribute effectively The DSL ensures all staff have access to and understand the schools Safeguarding policy. Training for staff vital The LA train you to train your staff Create strong links with WSCB

The role of all School staff To report all concerns regarding child welfare immediately to the Designated senior Lead or a another member of the safeguarding team Be mindful and resilient of child protection signs and symptoms in the school setting Be clear of your role and responsibility regarding your school safeguarding that is clearly stated in policy and procedures Attend level 2 statutory training within your own setting delivered by DSL (Min every 2 years)

Key Safeguarding documents

Key Safeguarding documents

Key themes: Working Together 2015 Multi agency document for all professionals working with Children The Children’s act 1989 Replaces Working together 2013 More concise and simplified document Emphasis on information sharing Importance placed on Child centred approach & voice of the child Highlights the vital role of all agencies and professionals Old document twice as large This government looked to simplify it Important to be able reference this rather than know off by heart

Key themes: Keeping children safe in education 2015 Section 175 of the education act Compliments working together (2015) not replaces Specifically for education settings Replaces Safeguarding children and safer recruitment in education 2006 Highlights the management of safeguarding in schools (DSL role) Defines specific types of abuse and neglect Allegations of abuse against members of staff Defines safer recruitment procedures Key document for DSL’s Guidance for managers and governors Is everyone aware of it and is it part of accessible documents in school? Again know where to reference rather than know it all

Schools ‘safeguarding suite’ of documents All staff are aware of the policy and it is embedded in the “real” safeguarding practice. School Safeguarding Policy and other key documents that are readily available for the whole school community Child friendly version so children know how to keep themselves safe Transparent and clear procedures in place for managing safeguarding issues in school. It is part of whole school staff induction and training. Whistleblowing policy School complaints procedure Esafety policy for example Freely available to all staff Shared area, safeguarding file for all staff to access


Physical Abuse Hitting Shaking Throwing Poisoning Burning & scalding Drowning Suffocating Fabricated & Induced Illness (Formally Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy)

Physical Injury sites

Considerations around physical abuse disclosures Remember that if a child discloses physical abuse that may have been caused by a family member, do not discuss this with parents. Contact should be made with your DSL who will contact the Assessment and Intervention Team, who will request that a MARF is completed. If it is appropriate for you to discuss the issue with parents, you will be advised to do so by Children's Social Care.

Emotional abuse Persistent emotional ill-treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on his/her emotional development. It may involve: Conveying to children they are worthless, unloved or inadequate or only valued insofar as they meet the needs of another person Inappropriate expectations for their age or development Causing children to feel frightened or in danger The exploitation or corruption of children See or hearing the ill treatment of others All types of ill-treatment of a child

Neglect ‘Persistent failure to meet a child’s basic and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of a child’s health or development’. This may involve: A parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing failing to protect a child from physical harm or danger failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment unresponsiveness to a child’s basic emotional needs may occur during pregnancy as a result of parental substance misuse

Impact of neglect on brain development Emma The Developing Brain Impact of Abuse on Speech and Language Development •Most critical area since normal speech/language development is a precursor for: •Communication •Reading (the child who can read is more successful in school) •Good self-esteem •Comprehension of verbal language at home and in the classroom. Children who have limited language skills are not as successful in school. 24

Sexual Abuse ‘Forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, including prostitution whether or not the child is aware of what is happening’. This may include: Physical contact, including penetrative and non-penetrative acts Involving children looking at or in the production of pornographic material Watching sexual activities Encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways Be aware of vulnerable young people being sexually exploited (CSE) This can include males and females Look out for changes in behavior Children not engaging or disclosing they have received gifts or money from ‘new friends’

Considerations around sexual abuse Remember that if a child discloses sexual abuse that may have been caused by a family member, do not discuss this with parents. Contact should be made with your DSL immediately who will then contact the Assessment Intervention Team, who will request that a MARF is completed. If it is appropriate for the DSL to discuss the issue with parents, they will be advised to do so by Children's Social Care. If in doubt the DSL will ring EST for advice.

Trauma Witnessing violence (domestic and other) Natural disaster Terrorism Accidents Abuse (physical or sexual) Neglect Loss of caregiver Emma Impact of early experiences of attachment and or trauma, abuse and/or neglect is very variable Many children have also developed resilience. Attachment describes the reciprocal relationship between the baby/infant or child, and their primary caregiver, which develops and then endures over time and space. All children are born with a set of biological attachment behaviours designed to maximise chances of survival. They work out the best way to interact with the carer in order to survive. They develop an Internal Working Model of themselves as worthy of care or not. They develop an internal representation of how others operate and how they will care for others This Internal Working Model forms the blueprint on which they make sense of all future relationships – how they respond to others and their expectations of how others will respond to them. 27

Disclosure golden rules DO Listen carefully Make accurate notes using the child’s words Inform the designated person for child protection Tell the child that they have done the right thing by telling you DON’T Ask leading questions Use your own words to describe events Investigate Promise confidentiality Rose Remind them that if a child chooses to disclose that it will not necessarily be to a teacher. Use this quote from ‘Safeguarding Children in Education’ to remind participants how important it is that they are aware of the school’s child protection procedures and what the ‘golden rules’ for responding to a child’s concerns are. ‘Experience, and consultation with children, shows that they will talk about their concerns and problems to people they feel they can trust and feel comfortable with. This will not necessarily be a teacher. It is therefore essential that all staff and volunteers in a school or establishment know how to respond sensitively to a child’s concerns, who to approach for advice about them, and the importance of not guaranteeing complete confidentiality.’ Safeguarding Children in Education 28

Please remember! A person may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm or by failing to prevent harm. Children and young people may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting; by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger. Children can and will disclose to anyone in a school setting who they trust!

What happens when you raise a concern with your DSL? Your concern about a child Discuss with DSL and complete a concern form DSL contact Education Safeguarding Team and/or Assessment & Intervention team Complete a CAF or sign post to another agency for support Accepted as a referral –Social work assessment undertaken Emma DO NOT LEAVE THIS BIT OUT! 2 Slides about safeguarding process in Warrington Signpost them to ‘What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused’ Mention the types of services that may be provided to a child in need eg through family centres, Homestart, support from school; Health Visitor Explain that if they do not feel they have had an appropriate response from any agency they must report this to their manager so that action can be taken, following WBC’s Escalation Policy. If they are not happy with their manager’s response to concerns, Working Together points out that all members of the community can act if they have concerns about a child’s welfare and thus they could make contact with agencies themselves Child in danger of significant harm (S47) Child in Need (S17) Further Assessments needed No specific services required please continue to monitor

Rules around staff conduct The welfare of the child is paramount. Safeguarding is the responsibility of all adults who work with children. Adults are responsible for their own actions. Adults should work and be seen to work in an appropriate and transparent way. Please read and understand the Staff Handbook Attend a comprehensive Induction and understand procedures when working with children Emma It is important that all adults working with children understand that the nature of their work and the responsibilities related to it, place them in a position of trust.

What we expect - Professional conduct You have a duty of care to all children and staff You are placed in positions of power and trust Appropriate dress and appearance when working There is an expected behaviour and ‘professional standards’ for all school staff No Social contact outside of school hours Be aware of appropriate communications (including use of technology and Esafety) Be mindful of Photography rules in schools Be aware of vulnerabilities in 1-2-1 situations Emma

THINK…. Child abuse can occur in any setting, culture, group, religion, social class Some children may be particularly vulnerable to abuse All children are entitled to protection, some need safeguarding further Everyone has a responsibility to report suspicions of abuse

And finally…… If children and families are given early and timely help it can stop a child from being harmed further. Child abuse and neglect continue because of the secrecy and silence that surround them Children rarely lie about abuse An abuser may abuse many other children who also have a right to protection if they are not stopped. If you are in doubt please speak to your DSL and they will report directly to Children’s Social Care or the Education Safeguarding Team

Thank you Any questions?