Essential Review Essential Background – All Jesus did & taught Essential Role – to be a witness Essential Beginning – The Gift of the Holy Spirit Essential.


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Presentation transcript:

Essential Review Essential Background – All Jesus did & taught Essential Role – to be a witness Essential Beginning – The Gift of the Holy Spirit Essential Message – Jesus the Messiah Essential Proofs – Signs & Wonders of Apostles Essential Boldness – to share the word of God Essential Character – avoiding hypocrisy wit Essential Principle – obey God rather than man Essential Sacrifice – martyrdom of Stephen

Final Focus Peter Healing of Aeneas Resuscitation of Tabitha Preaching to Cornelius Rescued from Herod

Peter’s Traveling 25mi

Healing of Aeneas (Acts 9:32-35)

Raising of Dorcas (Acts 9:36-43)

25mi 10mi

Raising of Dorcas (Acts 9:36-43)

30mi 25mi 10mi


Cornelius’ Vision Devout man Feared God with his household Gave alms generously Prayed continually to God

Peter’s Vision

Jews Vs. Gentiles

Gentiles Facts from the Story Early church was resistant to Gentiles God Himself introduce Gentiles into the church Peter, not Paul, was first used to reach the Gentiles The church finally accepted the converted Gentiles

How about us?

Essential Understanding God does not show favoritism in the power of the Gospel message … and neither should we.

For Next Week The Essential Change Read Acts Chapter 10:33-11:18 Mediate on: – Why does Peter command these believers to be baptized? – Why does Peter face the opposition he does in Jerusalem? –How does Peter defend himself? –How does this impact the people in Jerusalem