Microsoft.NET Вторая лекция. Reference and value types public class RefType { } public struct ValueType : IDisposable { public int A, B; public ValueType(int.


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Presentation transcript:

Microsoft.NET Вторая лекция

Reference and value types public class RefType { } public struct ValueType : IDisposable { public int A, B; public ValueType(int a, int b) { A = a; B = b; } public void Dispose() { /* Do some work */ } }

Встроенные типы Value types: bool b;int i; byte by;uint ui; sbyte sby; long l; char c; ulong ul; decimal dec; short s; double d; ushort us; float f; Reference types: object o;string str;

Enums public enum MyEnum { MyValue1, MyValue2, MyValue3 } //... MyEnum val = MyEnum.MyValue1; //... switch (val) { case MyEnum.MyValue1: //... break; case MyEnum.MyValue2: //... break; }

Массивы int[] arr = new int[4]; int[] arr2 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; int[,] arr_2d = new int[,] { {1, 3}, {5, 7} }; int[][] arr_jagged = new int[3][]; for (int i = 0; i < arr_jagged.Length; ++i) arr_jagged[i] = new int[i + 10];

Методы с переменным количеством параметров public static int Max(params int[] numbers) { if (numbers.Length < 1) throw new ArgumentException(); int cur_max = numbers[0]; foreach (int number in numbers) cur_max = Math.Max(cur_max, number); return cur_max; } //... int i = Max(3, 5, 4, 234); int[] arr = new int[] { 2, 3, 6, 3, 98 }; i = Max(arr);

Перегрузка операторов public struct Complex { public double Re, Im; public Complex(double re, double im) { Re = re; Im = im; } public Complex(double re) : this(re, 0) { } public static Complex operator + (Complex l, Complex r) { return new Complex(l.Re + r.Re, l.Im + r.Im); } public static implicit operator Complex(double re) { return new Complex(re); } }

Использование перегруженных операторов static void Main(string[] args) { Complex z1 = 0; Complex z2 = z1 + z1.Re; }

Generics public class Wrapper { private readonly T _val; public Wrapper(T val) { _val = val; } public static implicit operator T(Wrapper wrapper) { return wrapper._val; } public static implicit operator Wrapper (T val) { return new Wrapper (val); } }

Generics public T Max (params T[] values) where T : IComparable { if (values.Length < 1) throw new ArgumentException(); T cur_max = values[0]; foreach (T val in values) if (cur_max.CompareTo(val) < 0) cur_max = val; return cur_max; }

Оператор foreach static void Main(string[] args) { foreach (string s in args) Console.WriteLine(s); }

IEnumerable interface interface IEnumerable { IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); } interface IEnumerator { public bool MoveNext(); public void Reset(); public object Current { get; } }

Delegates public class GDIContext { /*... */ } public class Window { public delegate void OnPaintProc(GDIContext gdi); public OnPaintProc OnPaint; //... } private static void DrawCircle(GDIContext gdi) { /*... */ } static void Main(string[] args) { Window wnd = new Window(); wnd.OnPaint += DrawCircle; }

Exceptions try { throw new Exception("Hello, world!!!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Finally block executed."); }

IDisposable interface public class Device : IDisposable { public Device() { /*... */ } public void Dispose() { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); /*... */ } ~Device() { Dispose(); } }

Оператор using using (Device dev = new Device()) { //... throw new Exception("Hello, world!!!"); }

Reflection Assemblies –MyClassLibrary.dll –MyExecutable.exe Types –MyClassLibrary.SomeNamespace.MyClass –MyClassLibrary.SomeNamespace.MyClass.Nested Methods, Properties, etc –MyClassLibrary.SomeNamespace.MyClass.DoWork() –MyClassLibrary.SomeNamespace.MyClass.SomeValue

Reflection static void PrintMethods(Type type) { foreach(MethodInfo method in type.GetMethods()) { Console.WriteLine(method); } } static void Main(string[] args) { PrintMethods(typeof(int)); }

Attributes class EnumValueAttribute : Attribute { private readonly string _valueName; public EnumValueAttribute(string valueName) { _valueName = valueName; } public string ValueName { get { return _valueName; } } }

Attributes public enum WindowMessage { [EnumValue("Изменение размеров")]Resize, [EnumValue("Перерисовка")]Paint, [EnumValue("Нажатие кнопки")]KeyDown } [Serializable] public class MyClass { [NonSerialized] protected int i; public double D; }

Reflection.Emit Возможность создавать во время выполнения новые Сборки Типы Методы и т.д. А также добавлять новые сущности к уже существующим