Analysis of Literary Text: Understanding and Preparing for the PARCC LAT and NWT COLLEGE CAREER READY CONFERENCE 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Analysis of Literary Text: Understanding and Preparing for the PARCC LAT and NWT COLLEGE CAREER READY CONFERENCE 2015

Outcomes Participants will review components of PARCC Blueprints & TGMs learn strategies for identifying appropriate texts for performance tasks use TGMs to create Literary Analysis Tasks and Narrative Writing Tasks

Agenda Review Blueprints & TGMs Identifying Texts Developing PCRs Developing Questions Distractor Analysis Formatting Instructional Implications

Anticipatory Guide: TGMs


Identify the TGM you plan to use for instruction or assessment Create a PCR based on the standards, TGM focus, and identified text(s) Select text(s) that support the standards and the focus from the TGM Identify the focus standard(s) and supporting standards Backwards map; what standards must be taught to support the focus? Sequence the questions/instruction based on the standards and the focus of the TGM Creating Performance Tasks

TASK GENERATION MODELS Start with the end in mind! Common Core Classroom Look-Fors

What is a Performance Task? Performance tasks challenge students to apply their knowledge and skills to respond to complex real-world problems. They can best be described as collections of questions and activities that are coherently connected to a single theme or scenario. These activities are meant to measure capacities such as depth of understanding, writing and research skills, and complex analysis, which cannot be adequately assessed with traditional assessment questions.

Literature Analysis Task (LAT) The Literature Task plays an important role in honing students’ ability to read complex text closely, a skill that research reveals as the most significant factor differentiating college-ready from non-college-ready readers. This task will ask students to carefully consider literature worthy of close study and compose an analytic essay.

Narrative Writing Task (NWT) The Narrative Task broadens the way in which students may use this type of writing. Narrative writing can be used to convey experiences or events, real or imaginary. In this task, students may be asked to write a story, detail a scientific process, write a historical account of important figures, or to describe an account of events, scenes or objects, for example.

Identify the TGM you plan to use for instruction or assessment Create a PCR based on the standards, TGM focus, and identified text(s) Select text(s) that support the standards and the focus from the TGM Identify the focus standard(s) and supporting standards Backwards map; what standards must be taught to support the focus? Sequence the questions/instruction based on the standards and the focus of the TGM Creating Performance Tasks

Texts Worth Reading I.Texts Are Complex II.Texts Are Diverse III.Texts Are Authentic IV.Texts Are Paired Effectively V.Texts Meet Demands of Bias & Sensitivity VI.Texts Include Content Vocabulary and Context

Identify the TGM you plan to use for instruction or assessment Create a PCR based on the standards, TGM focus, and identified text(s) Select text(s) that support the standards and the focus from the TGM Identify the focus standard(s) and supporting standards Backwards map; what standards must be taught to support the focus? Sequence the questions/instruction based on the standards and the focus of the TGM Creating Performance Tasks

Why PCRs? The PCR will be based on the Task Generation Model’s focus which will drive the performance task. Start with the PCR (based on the task focus), then creating the supporting EBSRs and TECRs.

Developing PCRs 1)Refer to the appropriate TGM. 2)Determine the focus from the TGM. 3)Select the text. 4)Create a prompt based on the focus standards, the text and the language of the standards. 5)Depending on the TGM, your PCR can be narrative, explanatory/informative or opinion based. 6)Simplify the prompt.

Identify the TGM you plan to use for instruction or assessment Create a PCR based on the standards, TGM focus, and identified text(s) Select text(s) that support the standards and the focus from the TGM Identify the focus standard(s) and supporting standards Backwards map; what standards must be taught to support the focus? Sequence the questions/instruction based on the standards and the focus of the TGM Creating Performance Tasks

What are Questions Worth Answering? Standards based questions that draw students into deeper involvement with texts, carefully scaffolded to support an end result rather than sets of random questions of varying quality. Items that allow students to demonstrate what they know Items that allow for expression of divergent thinking

Developing Questions 1)Refer to the TGM for number of EBSRs/TECRs reading items. 2)Devise questions based on standards in this section. 3)Order the questions to support text understanding and PCR development. 4)Add additional questions based on students’ need and text complexity. 5)Determine responses, distractors, and uses of evidence.

Vocabulary EBSRs 1.Identify grade level vocabulary words that are content based. 2.Draft sample questions with plausible responses. 3.Identify text evidence to align with responses. VOCAB

Literary EBSRs 1.Discuss the summary, central idea/theme and possible tone of the texts. 2.Identify the standards that align with the TGM. 3.Compose sample questions based on the standards. 4.Compose sample plausible responses. 5.Identify text evidence that align with the responses. 6.Order sample questions to scaffold to focus standard.

Identify the TGM you plan to use for instruction or assessment Create a PCR based on the standards, TGM focus, and identified text(s) Select text(s) that support the standards and the focus from the TGM Identify the focus standard(s) and supporting standards Backwards map; what standards must be taught to support the focus? Sequence the questions/instruction based on the standards and the focus of the TGM Creating Performance Tasks

Distractor Analysis ◦Must be plausible but incorrect and originate from the text. ◦Can be based on the student misreading the question or the text. ◦Written style of all distractors similar to that of the correct response(s) but need not to be perfectly parallel ◦The content of the distractors not the parallelism of style is the primary focus for distractor choices. ◦Answer choices for part B must have the same type of citation.

Evidence Tables

Sample Performance Task Lets study Literature Analysis Performance Tasks  Do the questions support the PCR?  Are the questions sequenced appropriately?  Does it match a particular TGM?  What’s missing? What would you omit?

Performance Task Template

Share Out

Instructional Implications Teachers must have an understanding of the standards. Collaboration is key to making instructional decisions. Alignment of standards is important to help support focus of task. Performance tasks can be implemented in a variety of instructional methods. Performance tasks should be differentiated based on the needs of the students. Performance tasks are not summative. Questions should be reflective of standards/academic language.

Revisit Anticipatory Guide

Resources LA+Performance+Assessment++Modules