It is usually flaky. The color is light green to white. It is non metallic.


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Presentation transcript:

It is usually flaky. The color is light green to white. It is non metallic.

Peels in thin sheets, can be green. Colorless, silvery, black meaning to glitter. This mineral is the Latin word for micare meaning to glitter.

Heavy The streak is gray to black. The color is silver to gray. It is Metallic.

Looks like rust Color - yellow to brown non metallic

Looks glassy, chips or breaks like glass. colorless, white, pink, smoky, purple. non metallic

It is fools gold The streak is black It is metallic The color is brassy yellow

The cleavage planes make parallelograms The color is colorless, white, and yellow

Crystal faces are usually curved Color- white and pink

Hardness is very close to glass Color- white pink gray

Yellowish white streak yellow to brown or black