Fashion Show. 5 4 3 2 1  Movob6 第一段 subtitle  Have you ever dreamed about being a super star, walking down the runway in front of a few hundred.


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Presentation transcript:

Fashion Show






 Movob6 第一段

subtitle  Have you ever dreamed about being a super star, walking down the runway in front of a few hundred people. How does it feel? Today we will give you the experience of being a superstar and lead you to the world of fashion. Are you ready to come with us? Let’s go!!!

P Fashion Show

Part 1  Creating your own style

 Have you ever had the experience of buying something trendy, wearing it once, and then find it isn’t cool enough to wear it again? Don’t worry. Today we’re here to help you. We’ re going to give students a project to show you how to turn old things into magic and how to create your own style. (Video-sign) (subtitle) (music 生活智慧王 )

Part 2  Mission

 Discussion(Video)

Part 3 Draft  In the first class, every student had to make a draft. Look, every one was working hard to come up with something creative. It is not an easy job. But all Ss tried their best to finish their work.( working on the draft) And here are some great work they finished. ( )

Part 4 Discussion & Making clothes  After discussing with each other, each group chose the best drawing among their members. So in the second class, each group looked at the picture and talked about their ideas with one another and then they started make clothes.

Part 5 How to walk on the runway  In the third class, Ss were taught how to walk out the runway.  At first, they are kind of uncomfortable but after practicing, they seemed to be more confident and walked like models. Practice makes perfect.

Part 7 Fashion show  After practicing several weeks, Ss invited some guests in front of the runway and show them their great performance.

Part 1 conversation( without subtitle)  A: Let’s go inside this clothing store.  B: Sure. It looks cool.( They go inside.)  C: May I help you?  A: Yes. We’re looking for clothes for spring.  B: I want a pair of cool pants. C: Let me see. Try these jeans. Jeans go with everything. Besides, The colors are in. Why not try on these jeans in the dressing room. C: Let me see. Try these jeans. Jeans go with everything. Besides, The colors are in. Why not try on these jeans in the dressing room.  B: Sure. (Go inside) How do I look?  A: Your new jeans look great on you. Just Like a model!  C: Try these sneakers and this cap.  B: Wow!!! Look at the handsome guy in the mirror. I don’t want to take these new clothes off.

Listen again and put the following sentences into correct order.

Correct answer  A: Let’s go inside this clothing store.  B: Sure. It looks cool.( They go inside.)  C: May I help you?  A: Yes. We’re looking for clothes for spring.  B: I want a pair of cool pants. C: Let me see. Try these jeans. Jeans go with everything. Besides, The colors are in. C: Let me see. Try these jeans. Jeans go with everything. Besides, The colors are in.  B: How do I look?  A: Your new jeans look great on you. Just Like a model!  C: Try these sneakers and this cap. They add to your outfit.  B: Wow!!! Look at the handsome guy in the mirror. I don’t want to  take these new clothes off.  A: Let’s not take them off. We’ll wear them home.

Word bank  Jeans caps sneakers (find a picture)

phrase 人 +look+adj+in 衣 人 +look+adj+in 衣 衣 +look++adj+on 人 衣 +look++adj+on 人 go with=match Try on Can I try on the pants? Try on Can I try on the pants? Take off Take off your shirt and put this Take off Take off your shirt and put this dress on. dress on.

Review Time( T or F)

Part 2 Creative Writing

 Sample page: flash( 嘴巴會動 ) (transcripts)

My Crazy Clothes  I love clothes. I love crazy clothes because it’s important to look different. That’s why I don’t like to wear my ………………………………………………..1 A. uniform B. pajamas C. dress A. uniform B. pajamas C. dress  because I don’t like to look the same as everyone else. When I go to school, I like to wear my blue …………………………………………………….. 2 A. jeans B. shorts C. pants A. jeans B. shorts C. pants  and I like to wear…………...…………… on my feet. 3 A. shoes B. sandals C. sneakers A. shoes B. sandals C. sneakers

I’ve got a lucky red…………………………………4 I’ve got a lucky red…………………………………4 A. cap B. hat C. gloves A. cap B. hat C. gloves and a yellow ………………………………………..5 and a yellow ………………………………………..5 A. T-shirt B. coat C. sweater A. T-shirt B. coat C. sweater When I go to birthday parties, I like to wear my special pants with this ……………………………on them.6 When I go to birthday parties, I like to wear my special pants with this ……………………………on them.6 A. belt B. scarf C. tie A. belt B. scarf C. tie On Sundays, I always wear my amazing hat with a flower on the top of it. On Sundays, I always wear my amazing hat with a flower on the top of it.

Vocabulary Learning  A: Uniform pajamas dress  B: jeans shorts pants  C: shoes sandals sneakers  D: cap hat gloves  E: T-shirt coat sweater  F: belt scarf tie

Part 2 project  Have you ever had the experience of buying something trendy, wearing it once, and then find it isn’t cool enough to wear it again? Don’t worry. Today we’re here to help you. We’ re going to give students a project to show how to turn old things into magic and how to create your own style. (Video-sign) (subtitle) (music 生活智 慧王 )

 Today we are going to give our Ss a mission. All the Ss are from class 101 in 立人 junior high school. They are divided into 5 groups. Each group is given some old stuffs.( pictures ---scarf, skirts, socks, belts, shirt, shoes…..) What they need to do is to change these old stuffs into their own styles. (discussion)

 In the first class, every student had to make a draft. Look, every one was working hard to come up with something creative. It is not an easy job. But all Ss tried their best to finish their work.( working on the draft) And here are some great work they finished. ( )

 Display of the pictures of their drawing

 After discussing with each other, each group chose the best drawing among their members. So in the second class, each group looked at the picture and talked about their ideas with one another and then they started make clothes.

 In the third class, Ss were taught how to walk out the runway.

 In the fourth class, they walked out the runway. At first, they are kind of uncomfortable but after practicing, they seemed to be more confident and walked like models. Practice makes perfect.

 After practicing several weeks, Ss invited some guests in front of the runway and enjoyed their great performance.

 Finally, Ss made a brief introduction about their design.