Francisco Vasquez de Coronado By: Brooke Akers 1/21/13
Introduction Coronado was born in Salamanca, Spain on September 22, 1510. And died in the year 1554 He explored to find the seven cities of gold He explored for two years 1540-1542 Spain sent Coronado on the journey
Exploration Coronado went up the gulf of California into present day Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas Coronado found many tribes like the pueblos and the Quirva also known as the Wichita Coronado never found the seven cities of gold and the trip was considered a complete failure However Coronado was considered the most extensive explorer of his time
The journey was not good it was considered a complete failure.
Conclusion and Reflection I learned that Coronado was the first European to explore North America’s Southwest That Coronado was the governor of New Galicia Also that Coronado was found guilty of crimes against the Indians. Then later was found not guilty and returned to governor He was the first European to see the Grand Canyon and villages around the Rio Grande river Coronado was also born under a noble family his voyage had a lot of influence on the culture of the people in Southwest America There is actually a park called Coronado National memorial, in Hereford Arizona The memorial shows routes of what Coronado took
Extra information and images Other explorers would use Coronado's information of the land and American Indians. Coronado took many weapons and slaves on the exploration
Bibliography "Francisco Vasquez De Coronado: Explorer and Conquistador." Http:// Enchantedlearning, 2010. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. <>. "Mission and Significance.Http:// Nps, 26 Nov. 2012. Web. 17 Jan. 13. <>. Bohlander, Richard E. "Francisco Vásquez De Coronado." Http:// Win.tue, 1992. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. <>. "Francisco Vásquez De Coronado." Http:// PBS, Jan. 2013. <>. 2001. Web. Hurwicz, Claude. "A Proud Beginning." Francisco Vásquez De Coronado. New York: PowerKids, 2001. N. pag. Print.
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