F 1 Book check Notes Makeup quizzes Prep for oral grade Handouts F 1 -Book check Notes (2) Review ABC’s, numbers,


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Presentation transcript:

F 1 Book check Notes Makeup quizzes Prep for oral grade Handouts F 1 -Book check Notes (2) Review ABC’s, numbers, colors, greetings. H/W: Handout-colors & fix sentences. Early bird orals F 1 Oral grade Due: Bor. Words A Rest: Handouts F 1 Late borrowed words Oral grade cont. PROJECTS (FP pays) Rest: Handouts F 1 ALL Work due Late/Ab oral grades review game-#’s etc. Mon: Statue/ET movies. Fri: quiz F 2 R Book check Je me Presente-if ab Over F 1 vocab pkt. Handouts to do in class Bor. Words back F 2 R -S & S check Handouts due Over pg. 2 Vocab F 1 Notes: Time, weather F 2 R PROJECTS OUT Je me présente-orally #’s, days, months, seasons review F 2 R Review all PROJECTS OUT-JMP Intro game F 2 R Quiz-F 1 vocab Next: School vocab, prepositions,things Next: France/Paris movie or Papillon Oral grade: 5 F F 2 PreAP SAM 1 per. 4 done? SAM 1-not per. 7 Handouts & review pg. 1 F 1 vocab packet F 2 PreAP- S&S in. See above Plus B/W sentences F 2 PROJECTS OUT Sentences & B/W due! See above F 2 PreAP PROJECTS OUT-JMP Sentences for 50 Review all Intro game F 2 PreAP QUIZ: F 1 vocab Next: School vocab France/Paris or Papillon movies Oral grade: 5 F F 3 Makeup quizzes +20 points: verbs & idioms book Pg. 4-5 orally Start letters/do bonus F 3 S & S in? W/UP: translate sentences with idioms. Rough drafts & Bonus booklets in Work on letters F 3 PROJECTS OUT W/UP: choose verb to go in sentences Letters due –rough drafts Introduction game F 3 Warmup: Eng-Fren. Letters for 50% Get letters back Finish intro game PROJECTS OUT-JMP H/W: Fix/turn in neat letters. Acrostics due Wed. on computer paper F 3 LETTERS DUE! See SAM 1 & 2 Next: 3 rings, Le dormeur du val Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sept week (3 rd week of 1 st 6 weeks) McCage

1. Acrostics rough drafts due! Final copy is due next Wed. on computer paper—done neatly & correctly for daily grade! 2. Letters back: fix & rewrite/type neatly-due tomorrow (or today if done). Expliquez: 1. Qui vous ê tes 2. A quelle é cole vous allez. 3. Ce que vous faites le samedi. 4. Quels sont vos loisirs. 5. Quels sports vous pratiquez. 6. Ce que vous faites en é t é. ***Finish intro game! Project-due 9/24 (+5 on 9/23) F 2 F 3 Je me present project.pptF 2 F 3 Je me present project.ppt

1. PreAP: Borrowed words sentences due! Project due 9/24 (+5 on 9/23) in LMS by 7:30 a.m.! F 2 F 3 Je me present project.pptF 2 F 3 Je me present project.ppt 2. Over R2, R3, & orange sheets pg Finish up school packet! Keep it for now! PreAP: Sentences due!!! 4. STUDY FOR QUIZ TONIGHT R2, R3

 Les Cours: Funny ones: Q Q

1. Turn in late or absent maps/flags page. Only can turn in balloon girl page if absent. 2. Turn in borrowed words “A” for 70% 3. Work on cognate pages: due all together 5 minutes before bell…so put aside until then. 4. Take notes: Last one for this chapter: pgs. 35 & 37, as rest finish up oral grades! H/W: Finish notes & cognates pages & KEEP BOTH!!! Tomorrow: Quiz & pick country! Coming up- Project due 9/24:F 1 francophone_countries_project.rtfF 1 francophone_countries_project.rtf

1. Accessing Blackboard (Our new LMS): 2. My website: cherpages cherpages 3. Gradespeed website: Textbook link: (let’s see this together, to view textbook & activities)