CED 410: The Global Seminar Spring 2015 Emily J. Wornell.


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Presentation transcript:

CED 410: The Global Seminar Spring 2015 Emily J. Wornell

What is gender mainstreaming?

“… strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the policies and programmmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated.” -UN Economic and Social Council, 1997

What is gender mainstreaming? “… strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the policies and programmmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated.” -UN Economic and Social Council, 1997 Gender is considered at every stage of the policy or program process Purpose Inequality isn’t perpetuated Gender equality Required for all UN policies and programs Including REDD+

What is gender mainstreaming? Gender is considered at every stage of the policy or program process Purpose Inequality isn’t perpetuated Gender equality Required for all UN policies and programs Including REDD+ Legal basis in international human rights treaties Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEFDAW) UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People Cancun Agreement Particularly for REDD+

What is gender mainstreaming? Gender is considered at every stage of the policy or program process Purpose Inequality isn’t perpetuated Gender equality Required for all UN policies and programs Including REDD+ Legal basis in international human rights treaties Safeguards in REDD+: Do no harm Ensuring consistency between REDD+, national and international policies Developing transparent and effective national governance structures Respecting knowledge and rights of indigenous people and local community members Striving for full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders, esp. women and youth Conservation environment and biodiversity, and enhancement of social benefits Supporting actions that reduce risk of reversals and displacing emissions

What is gender mainstreaming? Gender is considered at every stage of the policy or program process Purpose Inequality isn’t perpetuated Gender equality Required for all UN policies and programs Including REDD+ Legal basis in international human rights treaties Safeguards in REDD+ Ensuring consistency between REDD+, national and international policies Developing transparent and effective national governance structures Respecting knowledge and rights of indigenous people and local community members Striving for full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders, esp. women and youth Conservation environment and biodiversity, and enhancement of social benefits Supporting actions that reduce risk of reversals and displacing emissions

What is gender mainstreaming? Gender is considered at every stage of the policy or program process Purpose Inequality isn’t perpetuated Gender equality Required for all UN policies and programs Including REDD+ Legal basis in international human rights treaties Safeguards in REDD+ Strengths and challenges to safeguards Different sets of safeguards for different projects Flexibility for “country-driven implementation at a national level” Creates confusion over which set of safeguards to use Implementation of safeguards isn’t well monitored To be funded by UN-REDD, safeguards have to promote gender equality and protect the well-being of stakeholders, esp. marginalized

Why gender mainstreaming? 2 approaches to understanding the need for GM 1. Human rights approach Gender equality is a basic human right

Why gender mainstreaming? 2 approaches to understanding the need for GM 1. Human rights approach Gender equality is a basic human right 2. Business approach Increased efficiency Increased sustainability Increased efficacy Reduction of transaction costs Reduction of GHG emissions Ensuring permanence of projects Reducing risk of reversals

Why gender mainstreaming? 2 approaches to understanding the need for GM Business approach: 5 components Stakeholder engagement Property rights, land, and resource tenure Ensuring multiple benefits of forests and REDD+ Transparent, equitable, and accountable management of REDD+ funds Links to inclusive growth and green development

Why gender mainstreaming? 2 approaches to understanding the need for GM Business approach: 5 components Stakeholder engagement Recognizing women as primary forest users Involving women in decision-making Addresses practical & strategic needs Greater uptake of behavioral shifts Sustained change in forest resource usage Sustainability of REDD+ projects Property rights, land, and resource tenure Ensuring multiple benefits of forests and REDD+ Transparent, equitable, and accountable management of REDD+ funds Links to inclusive growth and green development

Why gender mainstreaming? 2 approaches to understanding the need for GM Business approach: 5 components Stakeholder engagement Property rights, land, and resource tenure “No rights, no REDD!” Alignment of incentives for investors and local communities Tenurial security for everyone, especially women Ensuring multiple benefits of forests and REDD+ Transparent, equitable, and accountable management of REDD+ funds Links to inclusive growth and green development

Why gender mainstreaming? 2 approaches to understanding the need for GM Business approach: 5 components Stakeholder engagement Property rights, land, and resource tenure Ensuring multiple benefits of forests and REDD+ Ecosystem-based benefits Payment for ecosystem services (PES) Direct cash payment to women for management work they already do Increases bargaining power in home Improves allocation of resources Lessens probability of resorting to negative coping mechanism Transparent, equitable, and accountable management of REDD+ funds Links to inclusive growth and green development

Why gender mainstreaming? 2 approaches to understanding the need for GM Business approach: 5 components Stakeholder engagement Property rights, land, and resource tenure Ensuring multiple benefits of forests and REDD+ Transparent, equitable, and accountable management of REDD+ funds Corruption impacts wo/men differently Access to services Justice and security Capacity to engage in decision-making Money earmarked for women may be more likely to be subsumed by powerful elites Need more accountability and a safe mechanism to redress grievances Links to inclusive growth and green development

Why gender mainstreaming? 2 approaches to understanding the need for GM Business approach: 5 components Stakeholder engagement Property rights, land, and resource tenure Ensuring multiple benefits of forests and REDD+ Transparent, equitable, and accountable management of REDD+ funds Links to inclusive growth and green development Aim to sustain and advance economic, environmental, and social wellbeing together REDD+ as a job creation mechanism Targeting women and strengthening their role in the community Properly valuing the work of women

How to do gender mainstreaming?gender

How to do gender mainstreaming?gender Presence + Participation + Decision-Making Presence = gender disaggregated data Participation = concerted effort to include women Decision-making = representation

How to do gender mainstreaming? Presence + Participation + Decision-Making Presence = gender disaggregated data Gender assessments Gender-sensitive budgeting Gender audits Participation = concerted effort to include women Decision-making = representation

How to do gender mainstreaming? Presence + Participation + Decision-Making Presence = gender disaggregated data Participation = concerted effort to include women Local expectations of roles and responsibilities Power dynamics Women-only interviews and focus groups Full participation without pressure of gender norms and expectations Decision-making = representation

How to do gender mainstreaming? Presence + Participation + Decision-Making Presence = gender disaggregated data Participation = concerted effort to include women Decision-making = representation Gender-sensitive institutional reform Women in the process Process reflect gender equality Sensitization and capacity building for principles of gender equality Local, national, international Sensitization and capacity building of women on effective political participation What are their rights and how to use them

Is gender mainstreaming working? CIFOR: Global Comparative Study on REDD+ in Early Project Implementation Methodology Focus groups with women separately and with men and women 77 villages 20 REDD+ sites 6 countries Brazil Cameroon Indonesia Peru Tanzania Viet Nam

Is gender mainstreaming working? CIFOR: Global Comparative Study on REDD+ in Early Project Implementation Methodology Findings Basic knowledge of REDD+ Women 41% Men 67% Involved in implementation decision process Women 43% Men 55% Involved in design or implementation Women 30% Men 33%

Is gender mainstreaming working? CIFOR: Global Comparative Study on REDD+ in Early Project Implementation Methodology Findings Basic knowledge of REDD+ Women’s participation not correlated with position in the community 64% women are well represented in important community decisions 65% feel personally able to influence decisions 79% women participate actively in meetings

Is gender mainstreaming working? CIFOR: Global Comparative Study on REDD+ in Early Project Implementation Methodology Findings Basic knowledge of REDD+ Women’s participation not correlated with position in the community Implementing agencies’ goal of gender equity doesn’t increase knowledge or participation

Is gender mainstreaming working? CIFOR: Global Comparative Study on REDD+ in Early Project Implementation Methodology Findings Basic knowledge of REDD+ Women’s participation not correlated with position in the community Implementing agencies’ goal of gender equity doesn’t increase knowledge or participation “Even REDD+ policymakers and proponents sensitive to the needs of forest-based peoples may fail to understand women’s specific needs related to forest and REDD+ policies.”

Challenges for gender mainstreaming Complex gender issues + complex climate change issues Gender mainstream is a complex concept Local engagement Roles, responsibilities Power distribution Barriers to participation REDD+ is a complex intervention program Technical expertise and knowledge

Challenges for gender mainstreaming Complex gender issues + complex climate change issues Gender mainstream is a complex concept Local engagement Roles, responsibilities Power distribution Barriers to participation REDD+ is a complex intervention program Technical expertise and knowledge One expert in both? Separate experts in each? How do they talk to each other?

Challenges for gender mainstreaming Complex gender issues + complex climate change issues Gender mainstream is a complex concept Local engagement Roles, responsibilities Power distribution Barriers to participation REDD+ is a complex intervention program Technical expertise and knowledge One expert in both? Separate experts in each? How do they talk to each other? Confusion abounds! What is gender? What is the importance of addressing gender? What is gender mainstreaming mean? How do you implement gender mainstreaming?