Silicon as material for 3rd Generation detectors Geppo Cagnoli University of Glasgow INFN Sez. Firenze 2 nd ILIAS-GW Meeting – 25 th Oct. 2005, Palma de.


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Presentation transcript:

Silicon as material for 3rd Generation detectors Geppo Cagnoli University of Glasgow INFN Sez. Firenze 2 nd ILIAS-GW Meeting – 25 th Oct. 2005, Palma de Mallorca

25th Oct nd ILIAS-GW Meeting - Palma de Mallorca2 of 3 Investigation on silicon 1.Crystal orientation 2.Doping effect 3.Surface effect 4.Coatings and Diffraction Gratings 5.Bonding techniques 6.Full scale prototype 1.Glasgow 2.Jena 3.Perugia 4.Firenze 5.Legnaro 6.EGO, Roma 1 Mechanical losses Thermal properties Strength Stanford Pisa LMA IAP, Jena Cryogenic measurements are more time consuming than room temperature ones

25th Oct nd ILIAS-GW Meeting - Palma de Mallorca3 of 3 Proposal The labs agree on a scientific plan in each of the 6 items of investigation The aim is to use the facilities, people and efforts efficiently The outcome must be a joint publication in each of the 6 topics