Chapter 4 The Exponential and Natural Logarithm Functions
§ 4.1 Exponential Functions
Exponential Function DefinitionExample Exponential Function: A function whose exponent is the independent variable
Properties of Exponential Functions
Graphs of Exponential Functions Notice that, no matter what b is (except 1), the graph of y = b x has a y-intercept of 1. Also, if 0 1, then the function is increasing.
Solving Exponential EquationsEXAMPLE Solve the following equation for x.
§ 4.2 The Exponential Function e x
The Number e DefinitionExample e: An irrational number, approximately equal to , such that the function f (x) = b x has a slope of 1, at x = 0, when b = e
The Derivatives of a x and e x (a x )’ = a x Lna Example
§ 4.3 Differentiation of Exponential Functions
Chain Rule for e g ( x )
EXAMPLE Differentiate.
§ 4.4 The Natural Logarithm Function
The Natural Logarithm of x DefinitionExample Natural logarithm of x: Given the graph of y = e x, the reflection of that graph about the line y = x, denoted y = ln x
Properties of the Natural Logarithm
§ 4.5 The Derivative of ln x
Derivative Rules for Natural Logarithms
Differentiating Logarithmic ExpressionsEXAMPLE Differentiate.
Differentiating Logarithmic ExpressionsEXAMPLE The function has a relative extreme point for x > 0. Find the coordinates of the point. Is it a relative maximum point?