Vocabulary Pictures Unit 9 (Pirates! Band of Misfits)Pirates! Band of Misfits
Allocate The “Pirate of the Year” award is allocated for only one pirate to receive each year.
Ardent An ardent believer in his own theory of evolution and the similarities between chimpanzees and people, Charles Darwin trained Mr. Bobo to be his “manpanzee.”
Assiduous A more assiduous pirate may have noticed something strange about Surprisingly Curvaceous Pirate.
Brash As England’s most wanted pirate, it may have been too brash of the Pirate Captain to sail right into London.
Capricious Pirates can never be sure if capricious sea monsters won’t eat them as they sail the high seas.
Chastise Pirate Captain chastises Queen Victoria for seeking to eat the last remaining dodo as part of her meal with the Rare Creatures Dining Club.
Copious There is copious danger lurking in the unruly ports where the Pirate Captain drops anchor.
Deviate When Queen Victoria proved very skillful with her swords (two of them!), Pirate Captain was forced to deviate from his original rescue plan.
Emaciated Given how well the Rare Creatures Dining Club eats, I don’t think any of them could ever look emaciated.
Exult Not everyone exulted in Pirate Captain’s winning “Pirate of the Year.”
Gnarled Even the pirate with gnarled wood for a hand, each leg, and a nose seems happy.
Indemnity The Pirate Captain should probably pay an indemnity for the destruction he caused to Charles Darwin’s house.
Inkling How is it that no one had an inkling of Surprisingly Curvaceous Pirate’s true identity?
Limpid The ship set sail from the calm, limpid waters of the harbor.
Omnipotent The fact that Queen Victoria can not seem to kill the Pirate Captain is probably an unwelcome reminder that she is not, in fact, omnipotent.
Palatable Everyone seems happy about Ham Nite, so I guess that the ham is at least palatable.
Poignant In a poignant scene, the Pirate Captain is reunited with the dodo.
Rancor Queen Victoria’s rancor for pirates is rather obvious.
Sophomoric It seems rather sophomoric that the pirates thought they could disguise themselves as scientists.
Spontaneous Charles Darwin’s spontaneous mention of the scientific prize is probably what saved his life.