David Mogk Dept. of Earth Sciences Montana State University April 8, 2015 Webinar SAGE/GAGE FACILITIES SUPPORTING BROADER EDUCATIONAL IMPACTS: SOME CONTEXTS.


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Presentation transcript:


GOALS FOR SAGE/GAGE E&O WEBINAR We will explore need and opportunities The role of the future facilities in serving the educational needs of the SAGE/GAGE community The role of the future facilities in building a diverse cadre of geoscientists studying the Earth in the future The role of the future facilities in building broad public understanding of the Earth and the role of geoscience in society

HIGH LEVEL GUIDANCE FROM NSF "...infuse the joy of discovery and an awareness of its connections to exploration through directed inquiry and careful observation, and analytic thinking for students at all levels " (NSF In a Changing World, 1995) "...all students have access to supportive, excellent undergraduate education in SMET, and all students learn these subjects by direct experience with the methods and processes of inquiry " (Shaping the Future: New Expectations for Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology; NSF )

NSF GEOVISION REPORT, 2009 Fostering a sustainable future through understanding of our complex and changing planet Challenge 1: Understanding and forecasting the behavior of complex and evolving Earth System Challenge 2: Reducing vulnerability and sustaining life Challenge 3: Growing the geoscience workforce of the future Focus Areas The Dynamic Earth --Changing Climate Earth and Life --Geosphere-Biosphere Connections Sustaining Productivity of the Oceans Water: Changing Perspectives

GEO IMPERATIVES IN EDUCATION & DIVERSITY Increase Undergraduate Exposure to and Enrollment in the Geosciences Prepare a Capable Geosciences Workforce Broaden Participation of Underrepresented Groups Promote Public and Community based Science to Improve Public STEM Literacy and Decision- Making, and to Advance the Geosciences Promote Use of Community Resources for Both Research and Educational Purposes

NSF STRATEGIC PLAN EMPOWERING THE NATION T2. Prepare and engage a diverse STEM workforce motivated to participate at the frontiers. T4. Enhance research infrastructure to promote data access to support researchers’ and educators’ capabilities and transformations at the frontiers

PCAST ENGAGE TO EXCEL Recommendation 1: Catalyze widespread adoption of empirically validated teaching practices. Recommendation 2: Advocate and provide support for replacing standard laboratory courses with discovery-based research courses. Recommendation 3 : Launch a national experiment in postsecondary mathematics education to address the math preparation gap. Recommendation 4 : Encourage partnerships among stakeholders to diversify pathways to STEM careers. Recommendation 5: Create a Presidential Council on STEM Education with leadership from the academic and business communities to provide strategic leadership for transformative and sustainable change in STEM undergraduate education.

INTEGRATING RESEARCH AND EDUCATION (Re)DiscoverySimulation ModelingReplication Real-time, archived, and authentic data Critical review of the literature Training on instrumentation, software, field methods New creative contributions

THE GREAT PROMISE AND CHALLENGE FOR SAGE/GAGE Universal Access Analysis (tools and products) Synthesis of Data sets Integration, Earth System Approach Across spatial and temporal scales Across disciplines Potential to fundamentally change the nature of how we do our science….

Find and access relevant data Evaluate quality of data Use appropriate tools and interfaces to manipulate and render data Combine multiple and diverse data Subset data, select resolution of data Generate visualizations, representations, Contribute data, and view in context of larger data sets Advice/Requests to Data Providers We want students to be able to:

Trust among partners A diversity of perspectives Every partner brings something of value to the table Every partner has something to gain Recruit the best people All parties are present on the first day. Making a Collaboration ‘ Sing ’ Dr. Joseph Bordogna, Former Deputy Director of NSF

I’VE OFTEN HEARD AT MEETINGS OF MAJOR RESEARCH CONSORTIA: We’re just not getting the quality graduate students we need for our research program (or for the workforce). Well……

I’VE OFTEN HEARD AT MEETINGS OF MAJOR RESEARCH CONSORTIA: We’re just not getting the quality graduate students we need for our research program (or for the workforce).

OPPORTUNITIES FOR SAGE/GAGE Access to data, data products, tools Tutorials, worked examples Make it possible for non-experts to participate Curricular Materials K-12, Undergraduate, Graduate Power to convene Short courses, interdisciplinary groups Targeted Audiences Underrepresented groups, Minority Serving Institutions Professional Development programs Community outreach