10 February 2014. What is your description of a perfect world?


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Presentation transcript:

10 February 2014

What is your description of a perfect world?

Remember… The Garden of Eden had no sin, sickness, or death. Can we get back to a world like that? How? As Christians, we are called to live like Jesus lived—willing to go out of our way to help each other. What examples do the Gospels give us of Jesus going out of His way to help the lowest in society?

Catholic Social Teaching Who in the Church decides how we should interpret Scripture and how we should live out our faith? Magisterium: “the living, teaching office of the Church” Whose work does it carry on? Is it perfect?

The Vatican:Encyclicals On The Condition of Workers (Pope Leo XIII) 1891 Strongly affirms the belief that the human person has basic rights, especially the rights to food, clothing, shelter, and a living wage Rejects socialism Affirms the right to private property

The Vatican:Encyclicals Peace on Earth (Pope John XXIII) 1963 Spells out rights that all people possess: The right to respect The freedom to express opinions and worship The right to choose one’s state in life, to marry and have a family The right to move within one’s own country and to emigrate to other countries Human Rights Protest, 1960

Themes of Catholic Social Teaching The Principles 1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person Every human being has enormous value, including elderly people nearing the end of life, unborn children, people on both sides of disputes in wars, and criminals 2. Call to Family, Community, and Participation The good of each person is tied to the common good

The Principles continued… 3. Rights and Responsibilities Every person has the right to have his or her basic needs met, which include food, shelter, employment, education, and equal opportunity Whenever we list rights we also need to list responsibilities that make those rights a reality. i.e. The right to adequate food creates the responsibility for a society and its members to see to it that no one starves.

The Principles continued… 4. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable “Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). 5. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers Work and economic activity are carried out for the common good, NOT only as a means to meet one’s needs

The Principles continued… 6. Solidarity See the “other” as “neighbor.” Give a voice to those who are voiceless.

The Principles continued… 7. Care for God’s Creation We are to be caretakers of ALL of God’s creation—not to use it for whatever we wish.