BIRT Deployment Plan BIRT Reporting Server Server to Server Integration Integration with Client Side Scripting.


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Presentation transcript:

BIRT Deployment Plan BIRT Reporting Server Server to Server Integration Integration with Client Side Scripting

BIRT Reporting Server BIRT Tool creates an independent file i.e. rUxl_order_type.rptdesign Reports (*.rptdesign) created by BIRT Tool needs Runtime Engine at server side to process it. BIRT Reporting Server will process the report file and generate displayable Chart in HTML or IMAGE BrowserBrowser BIRT Reporting Server Tomcat Server BIRT Runtime Engine Database Report 1Report 2 Report.. BIRT Tool to create reports Report 1Report 2 Report..

Server to Server Integration Existing application will get the request from Browser and forward it to BIRT Reporting Server BrowserBrowser BIRT Reporting Server Database Application (PHP / JAVA / etc.)

Server to Server Real / Near Time Integration Existing application will get the request from Browser and forward it to BIRT Reporting Server There should be a Reporting database which will get updated with only those data which needed to create report. Reporting database can be updated by a batch job in few min(near time) or real time by the application Near time – update database in few sec or min BrowserBrowser BIRT Reporting Server Database Application (PHP / JAVA / etc.) Reporting Database Batch Job Update Reporting database real- time

Integration with Client Side Scripting Any RIA (Angular JS) will make the direct request from Browser to BIRT Reporting Server. It may cause security issue, but can be fix BrowserBrowser Application (PHP / JAVA / etc.) Database BIRT Reporting Server Database

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