Www.cti-commission.fr 2008 Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur C.T.I. French Engineering Accreditation Agency www.cti-commission.fr.


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Presentation transcript:

Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur C.T.I. French Engineering Accreditation Agency

Full member since 2005 Founding member since 2005 Founding member 2000

Mission statement given by law (1934) : - accredit new engineering degrees - assess periodically existing degrees (every 6 years) since assess foreign engineering degrees when ever requested by foreign institutions - issue the list of accredited engineering degrees - participate in any perspective study and review related to engineering programmes - foster the dissemination of developments and best practices

French engineering education system years 7 years 5 years Primary Secondary Engineering Ingénieur diplômé Baccalauréat AGE (years) 7

one cycle of 5 years of higher education - degree after 300 ECTS credits - "Ingénieur diplômé" stands for Master degree (not the reverse) - no board of engineers in France, however the « ingénieur diplomé » title is protected by law - entry in engineering profession directly after engineering degree recognized by the « Conventions collectives ». Engineering degree in France

A variety of cursus, structures, organisations and engineering specialties but common standards and procedures.  Classical education - Competitive entry examination or 5 years depending on recruitement level education hours/year - 20 to 36 weeks internship periods in industry Engineering Education in France (1)

 Apprenticeship - education level of recruitment : 2 years after « baccalauréat » - 3 years : half time education (1800 hours) half time company  Continuing Education - education level of recruitment : 2 years after « baccalauréat » - 3 years of industrial experience - 2 years : half time education (1200 hours) half time company Engineering Education in France (2)

 227 engineering institutions programmes degrees in % higher education ministry - 25% other ministries - 25% private institutions  degrees in foreign institutions  65 apprenticeship and continuing education engineering programmes :1300 degrees in 2007 Present status

CTI line up  Parity between academic and industrial representatives  Independant panel comprising 32 members divided into 4 colleges 8 academic rep. from Ministry of Higher Education 8 Industry representatives 8 rep. From other Ministries and private institutions 8 Engineer Associations rep. Trade Unions rep.

CTI organization - members appointed for 4 years (once renewable) - chairman elected for 2 years - members on a voluntary basis - registry and secretary office of the Board managed by Higher Education Ministry

Methods Self evaluation of HEI in engineering Site visits Self evaluation guide for HEI – 2009 Taking in account new challenges: - quality assurance - adaptation of programmes to stakeholders needs including the professions. - international development of HEI, student recruitment, programmes, qualifications and labour market access. - creation of the EHEA

Guide of HEI self evaluation: six chapters Organisation Awareness and Partnerships Students recruitment Education and training Employment Internal quality management

Exemple: Awareness and partnerships Strong links with industry Deep cooperation with research European and international cooperation National links Regional and local policy

International exchanges and mobility of students and graduates ECTS and diploma supplement for all Request of high level in English and a second language is recommanded International internships in industry or laboratory. Exchange with foreign students and professors. Double diploma 4+4+3or4 semesters and preferably joined diploma 4+3+3, research cooperation As results, 70% of students have an international experience of one semester, 15% of graduates (ingénieurs diplômés) are appointed outside France for their first job.

objectives of the new curriculum - recruitment procedure - pedagogic and personal outcomes : balance between scientific, technical, economic and human resources programs - research activities - faculty mix (academic - industrial) - educational self education - premises, equipments, library… - quality management system …. Accreditation criteria (new curriculum)

 Public institutions - CTI acts on behalf of Higher Education Minister - CTI acts as adviser of Higher Education Minister and other ministers - Minister’s decision based on CTI recommendations  Private institutions - CTI acts on behalf of Higher Education Minister - CTI settles decision after hearing the institution board CTI accreditation decision making

overseeing development and operation of accreditation. - developing mutual recognition agreement with other countries : ABET - CCI (Canada) - BEM (Malaysia)… - assessing foreign engineering degrees on their request : TUK (Germany), EPFL & ETHZ (Switzerland), IST (Luxemburg), UTS (Bulgaria), PFIEV (Vietnam)… - taking part in rationalisation of higher education systems : ECA, ENQA, EUR-ACE, in cooperations with national agencies, and organising its own self evaluation and external review. - Mutual recognition agreements of accreditation decisions signed and EUR-ACE labels awarded in Europe since 2007 International activities of CTI

CTI is a major actor in the European Higher Education Area Full member of ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) Founding member of ECA(European Consortium for Accreditation) Founding membre of EUR-ACE (European Accreditation of Engineering Programmes). International activities of CTI (2)

 Sorbonne countries  Bologna countries  Pragua countries  Berlin countries  Bergen countries  Londres countries  Louvain 2009 European Higher Education Aera Bologna Process

 European Standards and Procedures - Industry and Professional unions representatives participate officially - Two cycles system - recognition of degrees and study periods - ECTS- diploma supplement, joint degrees, synergy with research European Higher Education Area Bologna Process

 European qualification framework, employability - European standards and procedures - Mutual recognition of grades and study periods.- mobility - Life long learning European Higher Education Area Bologna Process

Conclusions A large span of experience to evaluate and accreditate programmes and institutions Communauty and convergence of views, analysis and decisions Linkage between science, technology, economy and societal responsability Integration in Europe and other regions
