1 Observatory for the anticipation of skills and employment in the French chemical industry Brussels October 4, 2012 Catherine Beudon Responsable social,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Observatory for the anticipation of skills and employment in the French chemical industry Brussels October 4, 2012 Catherine Beudon Responsable social, emploi, formation

2 The French sectoral social dialogue on skills and competences Social partners To negotiate 2004 : a sectoral collective agreement set up a sectoral observatory to deal with employment and competences in the French Chemical Industry Social partners To manage A political body to discuss and decide on an annual program for the observatory La commission paritaire nationale de l’emploi, a bilateral body for the French Chemical Industry 5 meetings a year Social partners To work 2005 : set up of l’Observatoire prospectif des métiers, des qualifications et de la diversité dans les industries chimiques It has a bilateral steering committee : an equal number of members from the employers and the trade unions It is a technical body, the work is done there

3 What have we done to identify the competences  Prospective studies to forecast the future of the French Chemical industry, with  the ministry of employment  the ministry of industry  Studies on green jobs, with  The ministry of environment  Present and future employment for the bio-based chemistry, with  French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME)  Studies on skills and competences needed for production and laboratory, R&D jobs

4 How do we use the informations collected? The social partners decided  To create sectoral certifications : certificats de qualification professionnelle (CQP)  To work with the ministries of education and higher education to modify the diplomas’curriculum : a new « baccalauréat professionnel » implemented in september 2012  To finance specific training programmes to help the companies to improve the competence of their employees : management skills for production supervisors  To disseminate the information to help training centers to propose up to date training programmes :