Roman Numerals Northern Computer Lab
The Roman Numeral System is based on 7 different symbols. This system was developed in ancient Rome.
Roman numerals use letters instead of numbers. There are seven letters you need to know: I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000
You make numbers by putting the symbols together. Let’s say you want to make the number 8. You would use the following symbols: VIII You never use more than 3 of the same symbol so if you want to make the number 9 you would use the following symbols: IX
If one or more letters are placed after another letter of greater value, add that amount. Example: XVI This number would be 16 X=10, V=5, and I=1
A bar placed on top of a letter or string of letters increases the numeral's value by 1,000
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